Landslide movements are interpreted from the geomorphic expression of the landslide
deposit and source area, and are categorized as falls, topples, spreads, slides, or flows.
- Falls are masses of soil or rock that dislodge from steep slopes and free-fall,
bounce, or roll downslope.
- Topples move by the forward pivoting of a mass around an axis below the
displaced mass.
- Lateral spreads, commonly induced by liquefaction of material in an earthquake,
move by horizontal extension and shear or tensile fractures.
- Slides displace masses of material along one or more discrete planes. In rotational
sliding the slide plane is curved and the mass rotates backwards around an axis
parallel to the slope; in translational sliding the failure surface is more or less
planar and the mass moves parallel to the ground surface
- Flows mobilize as a deforming, viscous mass without a discrete failure plane.

Kavungya answered the question on
June 13, 2019 at 08:08