- God summoned Moses to Mount Sinai. He enquired if the people of Israel were willing to obey him
- If they accepted, then God would make them his people, a holy nation and a kingdom of priests.
- The Israelites accepted this.
- Thereafter, Moses instructed the Israelites to:
a. Make themselves holy by washing their garments.
b. Abstain from sexual relationship.
c. Mark the boundaries on the foot of the mountain to prevent any person or animal going up the mountain.
- Moses led the Israelites to meet Yahweh at the foot of the mountain. On the third day, Moses ascended the mountain
- God manifested his presence in the form of thunder, lightning, earthquake and a thick cloud. There was also a loud trumpet blast.
- Moses received the Decalogue/ten commandments on behalf of the Israelites.
- Moses descended the mountain and briefed the people about the laws and the ordinances.
- He built an altar at the foot of the mountain, on which he placed twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel
- He sent young men to offer burnt and peace offerings to /God.
- He took half of the oxen blood, sprinkled it on the altar and the other half sprinkled it over the people, thus sealing the covenant.
- He took the book of the covenant in which the divine laws had been written down by him and read it in the hearing of all people, whereby they accepted to follow and abide by the content of the covenant.
marto answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 02:23
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What made the Pharaoh oppress the Israelites?
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