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Describe the nature of the local Canaanite religion.


Describe the nature of the local Canaanite religion.



- The Canaanite religion was a Nature religion: a religion dealing with the forces of nature e.g. rain i.e. it was cosmic.
- The religion comprised family gods e.g. el Baal among others.
- Images and symbols were made to represent the gods.
- They inculcated their worship with temple prostitution.
- Sacri?ces including human beings were offered to these gods.
- Festivals and feasts were celebrated in honour of the gods.
- Rituals were offered to ensure continued fertility and well being of the community.
- Each god and goddess had a noticeable role in the community.
- Temples or high places were built for the worship of the gods.
- There was a supreme or chief god or goddess.
- It contained prophets and prophetesses for each god.
- The Israelites imitated the agricultural life of the Canaanites, disregarding their pastoral life.
- Believed that a god was only powerful in his own land.

marto answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 03:03

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