The number of sellers in the market many sellers with similar goods increases the supply
-Weather condition – favourable weather conditions leads to increase of availability for sale hence increasing the supply of maize.
-Government policy - if the government increases tax iof inputd e.g fertilizer , seeds etc farmers may reduce production hence less supply
- Prices of related goods- if the price of related goods increases te demand for the product increases the demand for the product whose price was increased will rise.
- Evel of technology - application of modern technology leads to increased production of goods and sub sequently the supply of maize.
- Price expectations- The supply of maize will be low if future price of the same commodity is expected to increase .
- Transportation - improved and efficient transport will facilitate the delivery of farm produce to the market and have support and increased supply
- Price changes - when policies of the commodity are increased the supplier are given incentives to produce more hence more supply.
- Cost of production - if the cost of inputs e.g fertilizer and seeds are low then it is easy for farmers will be able to applty them on crops increasing the yields hence supply.
Kavungya answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 07:20
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