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Explain the negative effects of the industrial revolution in Europe


Explain the negative effects of the industrial revolution in Europe



There were many unemployed people who offered fertile ground for grievances and organizations that were opposed to the state. This offered a base for the violent revolutions in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
It led to rural-urban migration as many people migrated to towns. This was because of better remuneration offered to workers than the rural farm wages and better living styles.
Diseases such as dysentery, cholera and typhoid greatly affected industrial cities due to congestion
High population led to shortage of housing. This led to the development of slums with poor sanitation for the unskilled workers
There was growth in pauperism in the streets due to high levels of unemployment in towns
There were incidences of child labor where children and women were exposed to dangerous working conditions for long hours
It led to sound, air and water pollution. Industrial cities were permanently engulfed in smoke. Effluents from factories was emptied into rivers and seas polluting them.
Urban factories could not cope with the high number of rural-urban migration. This led to unemployment
The development and spread of factory based industries led to the decline and collapse of cottage based setups

Dana05 answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 11:26

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