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Highlight the economic factors that facilitated the emergence of the united states of America as a world power


Highlight the economic factors that facilitated the emergence of the united states of America as a world power



Development in agricultural production provided food for urban industrial workers and raw materials for industries
The United States of America has plenty of natural resources in terms of minerals such as iron ore, copper, which were essential for industrial development
The United States of America had abundant energy sources. The energy was obtained from coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric power and later atomic energy
The large wealthy population had capital to invest in industrial development. The country’s friendly relations with foreign countries further attracted capital as they were encouraged to invest in United States of America
The free market policy encouraged people to compete in wealth accumulation thorough trade and industrial development
America’s scientific innovations and technological advancements put the country in the lead in the world scientific revolution. All boosted America’s rapid industrial growth

Dana05 answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 11:37

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