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Identify any six economic factors that led to the industrialization of India


Identify any six economic factors that led to the industrialization of India



Transport and communication: improvement of transport networks in major industrial resource areas laid the foundation for industrialization. Enhanced communication systems promoted industrial development
Raw materials: since India is a vast country, it has an advantage in having industrial raw materials resources. This has led to large scale production of goods enhancing industrialization.
Cottage industries: the advanced local Indian textile industries competed effectively with the British large scale textile industries. The products found their way into Britain and her colonies leading to banning by Britain of importation of textile from India
Power resources: coal resources, hydroelectricity and nuclear energy resources were exploited to setup industries. This led to industrial development
Market: India enjoys a large domestic market and has a wide foreign market in the third world and developed nations for a long time
Entrepreneurship: Indian people have been known to be aggressive investors. They have invested largely in India and a good number of their business or commercial acumen has penetrated the third world. Indian traders who invest in foreign markets pump back large sums of profits back to the Indian economy

Dana05 answered the question on June 14, 2019 at 11:54

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