What were the results of the settlement of the Luo in Kenya during the pre-colonial period?


Give five results of the settlement of the Luo in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.



1. There was development of language due to loaning and borrowing of words between them and their neigbours

2. Cultural exchanges: some of their neigbours e.g the Abaluhya took up some aspects Luo initiation rites

3. They increased conflicts in the region over resources like land

4. Displacement of some Bantu speakers e.g. the Abagusii

5. Some Bantu were absorbed by them e.g the Abasuba

6. They contributed to population increase in Kenya-Nyanza became a predominantly Luo-occupied territory

7. They intermarried with their neigbours e.g. the Abaluyha

8. They traded with their neigbours i.e the Abagusii, Abakuria

9. They spread their economic activities to their neigbours e.g. fishing

10. The Luo adopted agriculture, iron working and housing styles from their Bantu neighbours
johnmulu answered the question on January 27, 2017 at 11:12

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