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Highlight any five factors that led to early urbanization of Africa


Highlight any five factors that led to early urbanization of Africa



Trade: the places where people such as farmers and craftsmen met to exchange their goods grew into trading centers
Route junctions: these were centers road tracks met as people stopped there to replenish their goods such as Mombasa
Mineral deposits: minerals such as iron ore, gold and salt which were in great demand led to craftsmen settling in areas with abundant supply of minerals such as Meroe
Administration: areas where rulers such as emperors, rulers and kings had their headquarters grew into urban centers because of the large number of people who served the rulers and those who visited them
Education: the presence of major centers of education such as universities contributed to the growth of urban centers such as Timbuktu

Dana05 answered the question on June 17, 2019 at 19:26

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