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Briefly discuss any five factors that led to the growth of Meroe as an early urban center in Africa


Briefly discuss any five factors that led to the growth of Meroe as an early urban center in Africa



Natural resources: the region in which Meroe was located was rich in both iron ore and hardwoods. These resources marked the beginning of the Iron Age. Iron was used in smelting
Trade: due to the use of iron in the production of tools and weapons led to increase in the agricultural production and improvement in hunting. Ivory and leopard skins, sorghum, millet and livestock were used as trade commodities
Religion: the religion of Meroe centered on the lion god who was worshiped in the lion temple. The temple housed a large community of priests and temple workers and also drew pilgrims to it.
Industries: the growth of the city was due to industrial activities. Early industries in Meroe were iron working, cloth making and pottery.
Transport: Meroe was located at the junction of transport routes. She was linked to other regions via the Red Sea and to the North through Egypt and the Nile

Dana05 answered the question on June 17, 2019 at 19:33

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