Describe the social organisation of the Luo during the pre-colonial period


Describe the social organisation of the Luo during the pre-colonial period.



1. The Luo believed in a supreme creator God (Nyasaye)

2. Elders presided over religious ceremonies e.g. prayed to God through ancestral spirits; there were special places for worship

3. Diviners interpreted God;s message to the people

4. They offered sacrifices to thank or appease God and their ancestors

5. They believed in good and bad spirits. The bad spirits were responsible for misfortunes such as sickness and madness

6. Polygamy was practiced which resulted to very large families

7. Members of same clan could not marry each other but could marry from other clans

8. Sacred shrines and trees existed for sacrificial purposes

9. The youth were initiated through the removal of the six lower teeth

10. After initiation the youth were allowed to marry

11. Education was informal and duties were shared out according to gender and age

johnmulu answered the question on January 27, 2017 at 11:17

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