Gold: the discovery of gold prompted a rush by people such as speculators and gold diggers to the Rand. This later led to the physical growth of the city by construction of skyscrapers
Labor: the large population of the blacks provided cheap labor. The construction of dormitories and compound for the Africans by the local authority contributed to the structural expansion of the city
Government policy: the South African government initiated policies that favored industries and encouraged their establishment in Johannesburg. These were seizure of land from African and low wages for Africans
Location: Johannesburg is located on a veld near the Vaal River. This made construction work was easy and development easier than other cities on hilly places. The Vaal River ensured that the city had a constant supply of water for her needs
Coal: coal was used as a source of energy for the city, powering the mines, industries as well as domestic consumption
Industries: availability of minerals such as iron, diatomite and chloride led to the construction of industries. Processing industries and manufacturing industries led to the development of Johannesburg
Food: Gauteng province is located in an agricultural productive area ensuring a constant supply of cheap food in the city
Dana05 answered the question on June 17, 2019 at 19:51
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