Growth in urban centers: during the Land Enclosure Act in Europe, many people lost their land and others were placed by machines. All these moved to urban centers in search of better livelihood. This led to expansion of urban centers
Increased food production: agrarian developments resulted into increase in food production which supported the huge urban population
Promotion of trade: surplus production as a result of the agrarian revolution promoted trade. Trading centers emerged and developed into urban centers
Raw materials for industries: agrarian development led to the production of raw materials for industries which led to growth of towns as the industries attracted settlements
Port development: exports and imports of agricultural produce and manufacture goods led to development and expansion of port towns
Rural-urban migration: industrial development led to rural-urban migration. This resulted into overcrowding and congestion in urban centers
Pollution: high concentration of industries in urban centers led to air, noise and water pollution in urban centers
Dana05 answered the question on June 17, 2019 at 19:54
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