(i) Prophet Elijah asked Ahab to assemble all the people at Mount Carmel
(ii) The king summoned all the people including the prophets of Baal to
Mount Carmel
(iii) Elijah told the people to choose between worshiping God and Baal
(iv) He suggested to the people that two bulls be brought and each party to
offer the sacrifice to their god.
(v) He challenges them and said whichever party will make their God to offer the sacrifice will be the true God.
(vi) Elijah mocked them/ asked them to shout louder to their God
(vii) They prayed, cut themselves with knives until they bled but Baal did not answer them
(viii) Elijah asked the people to come near him as he repaired the alter of God.
(ix) He placed the Sacrifice on the alter and asked the people to pour water on it.
(x) Fire consumed the sacrifices/ the wood/ stones/ the water/ dust around it
(xi) The people threw themselves on the ground and worshiped the lord as the
true God
(xii) Elijah killed the prophets of Baal
Kavungya answered the question on June 20, 2019 at 11:42
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