i. It is a command from Allah (s.w) Muslims should therefore adhere to it.
ii. Documentation of agreements may allow for defective items to be returned with little or no arguments at all.
iii. If the shopkeeper overcharged or cheated the buyer in some other way, he may be brought to justice, since the evidence is available.
iv. Both the buyer and the seller can keep accounts more easily, thus clearing all the doubts that might have arisen.
v. It provide evidence that the terms of the deal were faithfully written and agreed to by all the parties concerned therefore maintains original terms of agreement and contract to the end.
vi. It reduces the chances of any parties involved falling victims to the temptations of taking advantage of the other parties by lying, cheating or other crooked ways resulting from bad faith.
vii. There will always be some people who do not give too much importance to taqwa. They will not hesitate to break an agreement whenever it suits them. For such people there is need for a legal apparatus to enforce the deals they willingly sign.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 07:12
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What are the lawful Acts in Commercial Trade?
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