i. The Caliphs were educated and cultured and they provided patronage for education and learning throughout the Caliphate.
ii. Madrassa, Primary and Secondary schools, colleges and institutions of higher learning were established throughout the Caliphate.
iii. Establishment of libraries. A library was attached to every mosque.
iv. Schools started in private houses and shops.
v. The study of the Quran, Hadith, literature, jurisprudence, logic, mathematics, geography, philosophy, astronomy, medicine and music etc. was carried out in the education system.
vi. Learning of Islamic History was promoted.
vii. Practically everybody could read and write and this promoted learning and culture with Baghdad becoming the centre of world culture.
viii. Books in Persian and Greek were translated into Arabic.
ix. Islamic jurisprudence became in independent discipline.
x. The four Sunni schools of thought: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali emerged.
xi. Hadith was collected during this time.
xii. Literacy level of women improved.
xiii. Specialized system of Hadith research introduced.
xiv. Scholars were held in high esteem.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 09:29
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