i. Quran condemns Zina (adultery and fornication) and advocates abstinence. Failure to abstain from illicit sex is going against Islamic teachings and morality.
ii. Fear of Allah. Those who fear Allah will not engage in acts that are forbidden.
iii. It should be the responsibility of every Muslim to protect him/herself from (HIV/ AIDs infection as it is incurable. “Prevention is better than cure.”
iv. Abstinence helps to safeguard a person’s iman.
v. According to Islamic principles of morality, the unmarried should wait until they are married and the married be faithful to their spouses.
vi. Indulgence in Zina leads to other vices e.g. drug and alcohol abuse, lying, cheating, family breakdown diseases, fights and quarrels and even death. Abstinence not only gives protection against HIV/AIDs but against other vices.
vii. Abstinence is in Keeping with the teaching of the Prophet (p.b.u.h).
viii. Even those who are infected should abstain in order to avoid further infection and from infecting others.
ix. Use of condoms is not acceptable to Muslims. It might lead to promiscuity in society.
x. Abstinence instills self discipline and responsibility to the Muslims.
xi. It was practiced by prophet and their companions.
xii. Muslims advocates abstinences as it was a message of all the prophets of Allah.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 09:58
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List the Manners of Eating in Islam.
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