i. Women were down trodden and oppressed and denied any rights.
ii. They were treated as property.
iii. Baby girls were buried alive.
iv. The weak and physically challenged had no rights
v. Wine drinking and wild parties were the order of the day.
vi. Immorality, prostitution and indecency were prevalent in the society.
vii. Rich men married as many wives as they possibly could and kept women / mistresses
viii. Makka was the centre of trade /trade flourished as a consequence there was prosperity
ix. Makka used to receive many visitors from other parts of Arabia who came to worship in the Kaaba and to visit the well of Zamzam.
x. Slavery was practiced and slaves were ill-treated and had no rights
xi. The haves/ rich did not show compassion or consideration to the have nots/ poor and the unfortunate in the society.
xii. There were strong social based tribal affiliation and loyalties.
xiii. Among the Arabs lived a few Christians and Jewish communities.
xiv. The Makkans also believed there were innumerable, jinn and ghouls who inhabited object of nature and society.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 10:13
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