i. The Arab Muslims came to East Africa specifically to trade they were not missionaries; hence it was difficult for them to preach Islam.
ii. Islam was associated with slavery since the Arabs who were Muslims were slave trades hence it was difficult to convince the locals to convert to Islam.
iii. The colonialists supported the Christian missionaries to spread Christianity but did not support the Muslims.
iv. Muslims lacked funds and resources to assist them in the spread of Islam unlike the Christian missionaries who were funded from their home countries.
v. Christian missionaries offered incentives to people who converted to Christianity and the Arab Muslims offered none, hence it was difficult to spread Islam.
vi. Tropical diseases, hostile tribes and difficult terrain of the interior discouraged the Muslims from venturing into the interior to spread Islam.
vii. Some traditions belief and practices of the local people contradicted Islamic teachings e.g. circumcision, polygamy hence discouraged them from embracing Islam.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 10:35
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