i. He was a distinguish teacher whose lecture attracted a large number of students and scholars.
ii. He removed irreligious doctrines, he was the first one to strike against Greek philosophy which was undermining the foundation of Islam.
iii. He wrote numerous books e.g.Ihya-ulum –ul-diin (the revival of religious science), Makasid-al-falasafa, Tahafut-al-falasafa.
iv. He awakened spirit of Islam by carrying out a detailed analysis of the moral and spiritual life of Muslims.
v. Credited for laying foundation of scientific scholarship in Asharite School of theology.
vi. He wrote commentary on the Holy Quran known as ….
vii. Formulated the ten rulers of conduct.
viii. Taught that the best guidance for man is revealed knowledge.
ix. Suggested for the reformation of the society, he critised the ulam for wasting time debating insignificant issues instead of devoting their energies in doing their essential duties.
x. He is recognized as Mujadid (reviver of Islam) in the Muslim work.
xi. Stressed on the study of the traditions and biography of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and modeling of one’s life according to it.)
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 10:38
- List the challenges faced by Muslims in the spread of Islam in East Africa in the period between 1700 and 1900 A.D(Solved)
List the challenges faced by Muslims in the spread of Islam in East Africa in the period between 1700 and 1900 A.D
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)
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Outline the reforms introduced by Khalifa Umar Ibn Abdulaziz of the Umayyads.
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What are the rights of a Muslims husband?
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Give the Reasons for Jihad in Islam.
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List the Challenges Kenyan Muslims Face in Education.
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State the effects of the Battle the Badr on the Prophet mission.
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List the Social conditions prevailing in Makka when the prophet was born.
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Give the reasons why Record keeping is important in Business transactions.
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Outline the ways in which Muslims in Kenya help in the reduction of poverty in their community.
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What are the rights of the Muslim girl child?
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Give the conditions under which polygamy is allowed in Islam.
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)
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State the reasons why Islam condemns Israaf.
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)