i. Muslims fulfill a commandment of Allah through the writing of a will hence are rewarded by Allah.
ii. Declaration of Wasiya prevents injustice in ensuring that no undeserving people inherit from the deceased.
iii. Wasiya reduces conflicts among the heirs because the deceased will have clearly stated how he wants his wealth to be distributed to each of his heirs.
iv. Family members are able to refer to the wasiya and know the debtors of the deceased before the distribution of the estate.
v. Wasiya allows a Muslim to will his property in favour of anyone he likes besides his legal heirs or for any charitable purpose.
vi. Wasiya enables a Muslims to contribute to charitable purpose e.g. construction of roads, hospitals, mosques thus enabling him to gain rewards (sadaqatul jariya)
vii. Enables poor relatives of the deceased who are excluded from the inheritance to attain in share of his property hence they will be able to cater for themselves.
viii. Muslims are able to improve the social amenities within the community can be of benefit to less fortunate member of the community e.g. a Muslims can will out his property for the construction of hospitals, schools, bore holes etc.
ix. In a situation where the law of mirath is not enforced by the Government, a Muslims can write a Wasiya stating how he would like his property to be inherited according to Shariah.
x. Through writing of Wasiya, a Muslim can pay his religious debts e.g. zakat or if he had pledged gifts or money for Islamic cause.
Kavungya answered the question on June 21, 2019 at 10:51
- Explain the Ways through which a Muslim nation can co-exist peacefully with people of different nations.(Solved)
Explain the Ways through which a Muslim nation can co-exist peacefully with people of different nations.
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)
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Explain the Rationale for the prohibition of homosexuality in Islam.
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Outline the contributions made by Imam Al-Ghazali to the development of Islam.
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List the challenges faced by Muslims in the spread of Islam in East Africa in the period between 1700 and 1900 A.D
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)
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Outline the Contributions made by Abubakar Assidiq to the development of Islam.
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What are the rights of a Muslims husband?
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Give the Reasons for Jihad in Islam.
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Give reasons on how the mass media has eroded the morals of the Muslim Youth in Kenya.
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State the Islamic measures put in place to guard the society against zina.
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List the Challenges Kenyan Muslims Face in Education.
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Give the Contributions of Ali bin Abi Talib to the development of Islam.
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)
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State the effects of the Battle the Badr on the Prophet mission.
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List the Social conditions prevailing in Makka when the prophet was born.
Date posted: June 21, 2019. Answers (1)