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The diagram below represents the essential features of a computer system. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: (a) Name the components: A B C...


The diagram below represents the essential features of a computer
system. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:
(a) Name the components: A B C D
(b) Name the three types of buses in a computer system
(c) Explain how the CPU registers may be used to carry out a basic calculation
such as 2 + 7 = 9
(d) Name two computers output devices



a) A. Input
B. Control Unit
C Arithmetic Logic Unit
D Primary storage

b)- Data Bus
- address bus
- Control Bus

c) - The data 2 and 7 are fetched from memory (RAM) and placed in the Data
register (DR) via the memory Buffer Register and the Address register.
- The instruction + (add) is also fetched from memory (RAM) and placed in
the instruction register (IR) via the address register.
- The IR decodes the instruction and sends out the necessary command to
process the data in the DR.
- Results are then taken back to the RAM

d) Monitors, Speaker, Printer
Kavungya answered the question on June 25, 2019 at 08:13

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