1. (a) what is classification? (b) List the external features used to classify plants (c) List the external features used to classify animals...


a. What is classification?
b. List the external features used to classify plants
c. List the external features used to classify animals
d. Give the reasons why classification is important
e. Name the taxonomic units of classification in descending order



a - Orderly arrangement of living organisms into various groups according to their
b - rhizoids(e.g. mosses)
- frond (e.g. ferns)
- roots e.g. taproot, fibrous roots, modified roots
- flowers - leaves
- buds
- seeds
Type of leaf venation
Type of leaf arrangement
Number of cotyledons
Type of stem
Type of leaf arrangement
Type of flower arrangement
c - horns e.g. cattle, goat, sheep, deer, gazelle etc
- hooves e.g. cattle, sheep, donkey
- mammary glands e.g. cattle, dog, sheep, cat
- hair e.g. human, cat
- Shell e.g. snail, Tortoise
- spines e.g. hedge hog, porcupine
• Tentacles in hydra
• Body covering- feathers, scales, hair or fur
• Shells in snails
• Wings in birds
• Proglotids in tapeworms
• Mammary glands in mammals
• Locomotory structures
• Body pigmentation
Presence of mammary glands.
Number of jointed appendages
Number of body parts
Mode of reproduction
Body cover
Types of skeleton.
d - Placing/grouping living organisms into correct groups called taxa
- Identification
- arrange information about living organisms into orderly and sequential manner i.e.
it is easy to study organisms in groups
-helps in understanding evolutionary relationships
- monitoring disappearance and appearance of organisms i.e. predict characteristics of
e - Kingdom (largest unit)
- Phylum (animals)/division (plants)
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species(smallest unit)
simiyu kelly answered the question on September 15, 2017 at 08:13

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