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Describe the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain ( Luke 7: 11- 17).


Describe the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain ( Luke 7: 11- 17).



- Jesus went to the city of Nain accompanied by his disciples/ crowd
- At the age of the city, he met people carrying a dead man
- The dead man was the only son of the widow
- The mother/ widow was accompanied by a large crowd
- Jesus felt pity for the widow/ told her not to weep
- Jesus touched the bier ( coffin) in which the body lay
- Jesus told the dead man to arise
- The dead man sat up/ began to speak
- Jesus gave the man to his mother
- The people were filled with fear
- The people glorified the lord
- Jesus fame spread in Judea/ in the surrounding region
Kavungya answered the question on July 1, 2019 at 09:21

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