In reference with 100% transition, discuss the relevance of parental involvement in the quality of education


In reference with 100% transition, discuss the relevance of parental involvement in the quality of education.



Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to schooling and their child's life and upbringing even at home. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement through a number of activities and experiences such as events and opportunities. Its up to the parents to take up these opportunities and events to involve themselves with their children to foster education.This combination and active participation on the part of the parents is to the school as well as to the child.This can produce great rewards for all concerned.

According to Vandergrift &Greene, 1992, Many schools do not really know what that really means.These authors articulate that there are two elements that work together to make up the the concept of parental involvement and education.One of these is the level of commitment to parental support including such things as encouragement, sympathetic, reassuring, and understanding to the learner. The other element is the level of parental activity and active participation in schooling of a child as well as the school involving parents.

With reference to the later element, parents can support their children's schooling by attending school functions and responding to school obligations such as academic conferences,motivation day,and more others. These will in turn translate to better grades thereby leading to 100% transition rate to other levels of education.
They can be more involved in helping their children improve their school work, by providing encouragement , arranging for appropriate study time and space,modelling desired behavior such as reading for pleasure, reading and composition writing for pleasure,monitoring homework, and actively tutoring their children at home.

Outside the school parents can be advocates for the school needs and infrastructural requirements. They can volunteer to help out school activities or work in the classroom.They can also take active governance and decision making necessary for planning, developing and providing an education for the community's children.All these strategies on the part of the parents will go a long way to improve academic performance which translates to 100% transition to other academic levels of education.
There are several kinds of parental involvement apart from the fore mentioned above.
one such in addition is the telephone and written communication to and fro home and school.Thus if parents receive phone calls, read and sign written communication from school and perhaps attend to needs communicated,greater academic benefits are accrued in attainment of 100% transition in education.

Research has shown that when a parent is involved in their children's educational process earlier in their schooling, the effects are more powerful in academic success and achievements leading to 100% transition in education.
Many Educational institutions have found parental involvement programs and events a great strategy for academic success and performance of their students.This has enhanced transition of their students to other levels.In turn they have also accrued satisfaction recognizing that parents differ in their willingness, ability, and available of time for involvement in school activities.
Finally according to Hattie,(2013), where children fail, parents go to the extent of contacting their teachers and his builds and strengthens the teacher and parent relationship which would show their commitment towards their children's learning.This will also enhance educational transition index to 100%. Silvertsen(2015), adds that parental involvement is linked to high academic attainment ,improvement behavior, low levels of absenteeism and optimistic attitudes. Therefore parental involvement in learning acts as a gel that helps to make learning for children pleasant and encourages them to work hard even more as they seek to make those closest to them proud.

joymongina answered the question on September 14, 2019 at 14:22

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