Explain briefly the role of osmosis in living tissues.


Explain briefly the role of osmosis in living tissues.



In plants:
Osmosis facilitates the absorption of water from the soil by plant roots, water is required for the process of photosynthesis.
Turgidity of cells contributes to support in herbaceous plants and helps plant to maintain shape.
Helps in closing and opening of stomata regulating the process of gaseous exchange and transpiration.
It facilitates feeding in insectivorous plants like venus fly trap.
In animals:
Enables reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules back to blood stream facilitating the process of osmoregulation.
It enables organisms in fresh water bodies like amoeba to absorb water. it is applied in food preservation.
simiyu kelly answered the question on September 15, 2017 at 12:21

Next: Discuss factors that affect the process active transport in living organisms.
Previous: Explain briefly the role of active transport in living organisms.

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