Describe three factors that enabled the Allied Powers to win the Second World War.


Describe three factors that enabled the Allied Powers to win the Second World War.



i) Germany’s inability to effectively control her expansive territories
and some turned against her and fought along the Allies.
ii) The USSR recovered from her losses rearmed and attacked Germany.
iii) The allies had more supporters than the Axis powers who remained
four i.e. German, Bulgaria, Austria and Turkey.
iv) U.S.A’s entry into the war on the side of Allies attack of Pearl Harbour.
v) Germany’s forces were overstretched by fighting war in many fronts.
vi) Allied forces had better arms than the Axis powers e.g. Atomic bombs.
vii) A chief forces controlled N sea 4 blocked Germany.
Kavungya answered the question on July 2, 2019 at 11:01

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