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Highlight the Marxists criticisms of capitalism


Highlight the Marxists criticisms of capitalism



Class struggle: one class lives by owning while the other lives by working that is the capitalists and the workers respectively. The relationship between the workers and the capitalists in a capitalist is like that of a knife to a throat.
Surplus value: Capitalist’s profits do not come in the process of exchanges of commodities but rather in the process of production
Accumulation of capital: the capitalists seeks more and more profits so that to accumulate more capital so as to make more profits
Monopoly: capitalists seek to achieve monopoly so as to dictate prices and thus achieve the highest possible profits
Imperialism and war: capitalists venture into in new lands and markets so as to maximize profits which eventually leads to wars among themselves and imperialism of countries

Dana05 answered the question on July 3, 2019 at 11:22

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