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Explain what makes betrayal in the city a suitable title for the play


Explain what makes betrayal in the city a suitable title for the play.



Betrayal means "an act of deliberate disloyalty," like when your friend told other people all your secrets. ... Betrayal has to do with destroying someone's trust, possibly by lying. If you start dating your best friend's girlfriend behind his back, that's an act of betrayal.

So the in this book betrayal in the city we see various betrayals. The biggest betrayal is by the government on the citizen who had looked forward to the independence and the fruits that come with it. They had hoped that independence will free them from oppression but the government does the exact opposite. Instead of working for the betterment of the country, the leader, together with his officials, are out to satisfy their selfish interests at the expense of the citizens who continue to suffer. Those who try to fight for justice are either killed or punished severely through imprisonment.

The citizens have neither freedom of expression nor a say on what is happening in the country. They cannot criticize the government. Theirs is to take and follow orders from the government without questioning. One of the students demonstrating against the poor leadership is shot dead and his parents are killed for insisting on a shaving ceremony for him. Mosese and Jere are jailed for fighting for justice while Kabito is eliminated for being uncooperative and talking ill of Boss. By doing all these, the government betrays the trust the citizens put in the leaders, of ensuring that everyone enjoys the fruits of independence.

Betrayal also occurs at individual level where different people betray each other in various circumstances. Mulili betrays Jere when he refuses to support him in helping the old couple continue with the shaving ceremony that was very important to them. Jere reminds him that he covered him when he allowed Mustafa to escape to another country but Mulili says that nobody is likely to know that Mustafa crossed the border. He also betrays Boss who, apart from being his cousin, had put all his trust in him and had promised him a big tract of land if he remains loyal to end. When the coup happens, Mulili disowns Boss saying that he is a dictator, has spoilt the economy of Kafira, has ruled for too long and has killed Kabito. This betrayal is too much for Boss who tells Jere to shoot him. When he kills Doga, Nina and Kabito, he betrays the citizens he is meant to protect.

Jusper betrays Tumbo, who has entrusted him with the writing of the play by using it to stage a coup while Tumbo betrays Regina by sending her to Boss knowing the weakness he has for women. He also betrays Boss when he refuses to follow due process when selecting the writer of the play and this costs them dearly when Jusper takes advantage and uses the play to stage a coup.
With all these examples we see betrayal running all way through the entire book. Though there are other actions like corruption which occur,but betrayal is seen as the predominant issue all over.

Analyst stan answered the question on August 1, 2019 at 15:27

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