Why does the government of Kenya prepare an annual national budget?


Give five reasons why the Kenyan government prepares an annual national budget.



1. It gives the government the chance to review the past years performance in the order to minimise risks and uncertainties in the coming year

2. It helps to enable the government to estimate the financial requirements for its needs

3. It provides a rational method for using the scarce public revenue i.e enables the government to prioritise its needs

4. It helps the government to identify sources of revenue

5. It enables parliament to discuss and approve government expenditures in advance

6. It is necessary for balance in development

7. It gives useful information to those organisations and individuals who want to keep track of the government expenditure

8. It enables the government to assess progress in provision of social services the volume of the budget indicates the extent of services provided by the government
johnmulu answered the question on January 27, 2017 at 12:46

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