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a)What is agriculture? (b)Identify four characteristics of plantation farming in Kenya. (c)Give four physical factors that influence the growing of tea in Kenya (d)Explain four problems facing small...


a)What is agriculture?
b)Identify four characteristics of plantation farming in Kenya.
c)Give four physical factors that influence the growing of tea in Kenya
d)Explain four problems facing small scale tea farming in Kenya



a)It is the practice of cultivating crops and rearing of livestock
b)The holdings / farms are large/40 hectares and above.
Ownership is by individuals / groups.
Farming is scientifically managed.
It requires heavy capital outlay.
There is high yield per unit area.
There is growing of a single crop/monoculture.
Farms are highly mechanised.
The produce is for commercial purpose.
Some farms are labour intensive

c)Undulating / gently sloping land / 1,500 to 2,400 metres above sea level/high
Deep well drained soils/volcanic soils.
Slightly acidic soils / pH of between 4 to 6.
High annual rainfall / 1000 to 2000 mm of rainfall.
Well distributed rainfall throughout the year.
Moderate to high temperatures / average temperatures of 21?/15-30 0C/warm to
hot climate.

d)Delayed payments to farmers mismanagement lowers their morale.
Pests eg. thrips/spidermite/crecise mite/weaving/beatles destroy tea plants there
by reducing quality / yields.
Poor road networks in some tea growing areas leads to delay in collection
of the harvested tea resulting into wastage / losses to farmers.
High cost of farm inputs makes them unaffordable to the farmers leading
to low yields / low profit margins.
Climatic hazards / hailstone/drought/frost weather conditions lead to destruction
of the crop thus lowering quality / quantity of leaf production.
Fluctuations of tea prices in the world market leads to uncertainty in earnings
making it difficult for farmers to plan ahead.
Shortage of labour during tea picking season makes the hiring of labour
expensive/lowering farmer income.
Diseases eg. Amillaria/root rot kills the tea bushes/lower yields.
Low payment to farmers lowers their morale.
Poor marketing strategy leads to low earnings.
Githiari answered the question on September 16, 2017 at 06:05

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