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The table below shows the type of vehicles and the number of people transported, in each type of a vehicle, to a rally on Saturday...


The table below shows the type of vehicles and the number of people transported, in each type of a vehicle, to a rally on Saturday and Sunday.

Each car carried 4 people, each bodaboda carried 2 people and each matatu carried 14 people. How many people were transported to the rally by the end of the second day?

A. 40
B. 370
C. 716
D. 1402



The correct answer is [D]

Car, 4 people
Boda boda, 2 people
Matatu, 14 people
- 2nd day
=45 x 4 = 180
=127 x 2 = 254
=18 x 14 = 252
180+254+252= 686
- 1st day
58 x4 = 232
102 x 2 = 204
20 x 14 = 280
232+204+280 = 716
- Total = 686 + 716 = 1402
Wilfykil answered the question on July 29, 2019 at 13:04

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