The diagram below represents the processes I, II. III and V that are involved in change of states of matter. Which of the following CORRECTLY...


The diagram below represents the processes I, II. III and V that are involved in change of states of matter.
Which of the following CORRECTLY represents the processes?
I--------------- II------------------ III------------------------------- IV
A. Melting ---------Freezing -------------Evaporation---------------------- Condensation
B. Condensation ------Evaporation -----------Melting------------------------ Freezing.
C. Evaporation ----------Melting -------------Freezing----------------------- Condensation.
D. Melting--------------- Freezing ------------Condensation --------------------Evaporation.



The correct answer is A. Melting--------- Freezing---------- Evaporation----------- Condensation
sharon kalunda answered the question on July 30, 2019 at 08:38

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