The correct answer is D. It is headed by the British Monarch.
sharon kalunda answered the question on July 31, 2019 at 06:29
- One of the achievements of Nelson Mandela was that he (Solved)
One of the achievements of Nelson Mandela was that he
A. was a founder member of the O.A.U.
B. negotiated for a democratic constitution
C. led a demonstration at Sharpville.
D. was the first African president to retire voluntarily.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of these following is a problem resulting from industrial development in both Kenya and South Africa?(Solved)
Which one of these following is a problem resulting from industrial development in both Kenya and South Africa?
A. Decline in growth of towns.
B. Increase in rural-urban migration.
C. Shortage of labor.
D. Reduction in food production.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- The following are characteristics of a type of traditional farming in Kenya(Solved)
The following are characteristics of a type of traditional farming in Kenya
(i) Small portions of land are cultivated at a time
(ii) Trees are cut and burnt
(iii) Simple farming tools are used
(iv) Loss of soil fertility leads to movement of people to new areas.
The characteristics listed above describe traditional farming known as
A. Bush fallowing
B. Rotational farming
C. Shifting cultivation
D. Crop rotation
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the statements below is a solution to challenges lacing tourism in Kenya? (Solved)
Which one of the statements below is a solution to challenges lacing tourism in Kenya?
A. Building hotels and game parks.
B. Constructing feeder roads.
C. Improving security in the country.
D. Providing flee domestic tourism.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below are some statements about a type of transport
(i) It is cheap to use.
(ii) It can transport large volume of bulky goods.
Below are some statements about a type of transport
(i) It is cheap to use.
(ii) It can transport large volume of bulky goods.
(iii) It is very slow.
The type of transport described above is
A. water
B. air
C. road
D. pipeline.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below are contributions of an African leader towards the struggle for independence.(Solved)
Below are contributions of an African leader towards the struggle for independence.
(i) Supported African Liberation Movements
(ii) Organized non-violent struggle
(iii) Negotiated for independence from colonialist
The leader is referred to is
A. Leopold Senghor
B. Julius Nyerere
C. Gamal Nasser
D. Haile Selassie
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Makau Wanted to cross a busy road near his school. The appropriate action for him to take to cross safely is to(Solved)
Makau Wanted to cross a busy road near his school. The appropriate action for him to take to cross safely is to
A. run across the road
B. cross when the road is clear
C. signal the drivers to allow him to cross
D. look right and left and then cross the road.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below are some conditions necessary for growing of a crop.(Solved)
Below are some conditions necessary for growing of a crop.
(i) Deep well drained soils which are slightly acidic.
(ii) Gently sloping land
(iii) Well distributed rainfall throughout the year
(iv) Temperatures of about 210 C
The crop that grows under the condition listed above is
A. Coffee
B. Pyrethrum
C. Tea
D. Wheat
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- A foreigner intends to become a Kenyan citizen. Which one of the following requirements must she fulfill?(Solved)
A foreigner intends to become a Kenyan citizen. Which one of the following requirements must she fulfill? A. Get married to a Kenyan.
B. Visit Kenya often.
C. Register as a member of a political party.
D. Live in Kenya continuously for seven years.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- The main reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
The main reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
A. Improve standards of living in the rural areas
B. Provide farms to the people who had no land
C. Reduce pressure on land in densely populated areas
D. Increase crop and livestock production
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- John intends to identify a business opportunity in the service industry. Which one of the following businesses is he likely to choose?(Solved)
John intends to identify a business opportunity in the service industry. Which one of the following businesses is he likely to choose?
A. Selling farm produce.
B. Setting up a bakery.
C. Opening a barber shop.
D. Buying and selling livestock.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the following is the main benefit of tea growing in Kenya? (Solved)
Which one of the following is the main benefit of tea growing in Kenya?
A. It earns the country foreign exchange.
B. It improves the standard of living in rural areas.
C. It leads to development of service industries.
D. It promotes development of towns.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the following is the main effect of HIV and AIDS on population growth?
Which one of the following is the main effect of HIV and AIDS on population growth?
A. It lowers the life expectancy
B. It reduces the fertility rates
C. It leads to increased deaths
D. It lowers the birth rates
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Below are characteristics of a poultry farming method
(i) There is a cage for each bird
(ii) Feeding troughs are placed in front of the...(Solved)
Below are characteristics of a poultry farming method
(i) There is a cage for each bird
(ii) Feeding troughs are placed in front of the cage
(iii) There are sloping grounds behind the cage for birds to lay eggs.
(iv) Eggs roll to a collection point.
The poultry method described above is
A. fold system
B. deep litter system
C. battery system
D. free range system.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the following ways indicates how pupils may be abused while at school?
Which one of the following ways indicates how pupils may be abused while at school?
A. Asking them to clean the chalkboard
B. Retaining them in class during break time
C. Asking them to complete their homework
D. Retaining them for extra teaching
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the following statements is true about the Rift Valley region in Kenya? (Solved)
Which one of the following statements is true about the Rift Valley region in Kenya?
A. It has several inselbergs.
B. It lies between 1000 metres and 3000 metres above sea level.
C. It has an extensive gently sloping depression.
D. It is generally dry land.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- Which one of the following pre-historic sites in Eastern Africa is correctly matched with the country where it is located?(Solved)
Which one of the following pre-historic sites in Eastern Africa is correctly matched with the country where it is located?

Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- A road contractor employed members of his extended family which caused conflict in the community. The contractor practiced(Solved)
A road contractor employed members of his extended family which caused conflict in the community. The contractor practiced
A. Tribalism
B. Racism
C. Favoritism
D. Nepotism.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- The main objective for the formation of the East African Community was to(Solved)
The main objective for the formation of the East African Community was to
A. promote cultural cooperation among member states
B. promote trade among member states
C. improve food security in the region
D. ease the movement of people within the region.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)
- The main reason for the establishment of the oil refinery industry at Changamwe in Mombasa was the (Solved)
The main reason for the establishment of the oil refinery industry at Changamwe in Mombasa was the
A. nearness to water supply
B. nearness to source of raw materials
C. availability of transport facilities
D. availability of a ready market.
Date posted: July 31, 2019. Answers (1)