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The table below shows a timetable for a certain airline flying Nairobi-Kisumu- Mombasa route.


The table below shows a timetable for a certain airline flying Nairobi-Kisumu- Mombasa route.
What is the difference between the time taken by flight No. 212 to fly between Kisumu and Nairobi, and flight No. 210 to fly between Mombasa and Nairobi?

A. 15 min
B. 30 min
C. 45 min
D. 75 min



The correct answer is [A]

Airline number 212
Airline number 210
- 212 (Kisumu and Nairobi)
- 210 ( Mombasa and Nairobi)
- For number 212 time taken 1930 -1845= 45 minutes
- When you borrow an hour for minutes then you add 60 minutes to the minutes side.
- For number 210 =1500 -1430 = 30 minutes
Difference = 45-30
= 15 mins

Wilfykil answered the question on July 31, 2019 at 10:10

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