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The perimeter of a triangle is 32 cm. Two sides of the triangle measure 10 cm and 12 cm. What is the area of the...


The perimeter of a triangle is 32 cm. Two sides of the triangle measure 10 cm and 12 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

A. 24
B. 40
C. 48
D. 50



The correct answer is [C]

- Perimeter = L + 12 + 10
= 32 = 22 + L
L = 32 -22
L = 10cm
- Sides of the triangle are 12,10,10
H2 + 62 =102
H2 = 100 -36
H2 = v64
H = 8 cm
Wilfykil answered the question on July 31, 2019 at 10:26

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