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What is the role of Strategy?


What is the role of Strategy?



(i) Framework for operational planning - Strategy provides the framework for
plans by channeling operating decisions and often pre-defining them. They
provide more consistent framework for operational planning.

(ii) Clarity in direction of activities - Strategies focus on direction of activities
by specifying what activities are to be undertaken for achieving organizational
objectives more clear and specific.

(iii) Increases organizational effectiveness - The concept of effectiveness is that
the organization is able to achieve its objectives within the given resources.
Thus , for effectiveness, it is only necessary that resources are put to the best
of their efficiency but also that they are put in a way which ensures their
maximum contribution to organizational objectives.

(iv) Personnel satisfaction - Strategy contributes towards organizational effectiveness
by providing satisfaction to the personnel of the organization. In
organizations where formal strategic management process is followed, people
are more satisfied by definite prescription of their roles thereby reducing
role conflict and role ambiguity.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 1, 2019 at 06:13

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