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What are the concepts and techniques of strategic management?


What are the concepts and techniques of strategic management?



(i) Strategic vision: this a roadmap of a company’s future.

(ii) Company’s mission :typically focused on its present business scope.

(iii) Objectives: are organizations performance target the results and outcome it
wants to achieve.

(iv) Users: the people or other organizations who actually use an organizations
products or services

(v) Stakeholders: people with an interest in an organizations success ,failure or
activities and therefore a desire to influence behavior.

(vi) Business model: deals with whether the revenue cost profit economics of its
strategy demonstrate the viability of the enterprise as a whole.

(vii) Resource: something that an organization owns ,controls or has access to on
a semi-permanent basis for example money and physical objects.

(viii) Customers: the people or other organizations that pay for the organizations
services or products
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 2, 2019 at 08:02

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