-Leaves are modified to spines/ thorns; to reduce surface area over which transpiration can occur;
-Shed their leaves during the dry season; to reduce the surface area exposed to transpiration;
-Leaves have thick , waxy cuticles; to minimize rate of cuticular transpiration.
-Leaves for some plants can roll or fold; to reduce rate of transpiration by not exposing stomata to environmental factors.
-Have sunken stomata; which accumulates moisture in sub-stomatal air spaces hence low diffusion gradient thus reducing transpiration rate. Reduced number of stomata; hence low rate of transpiration.
-Some plants have reversed stomatal rhythm; to prevent excessive water loss by transpiration. Possession of very deep roots; to absorb water from deep in the soil surface; Possession of parenchyma cells in swollen stems and leaves; for storage of water; Many leaves are sclerophylous/ possess resin coatings; to increase reflection of solar radiation ; hence lower transpiration rate.
sharon kalunda answered the question on August 5, 2019 at 06:20
- Give four modes of expressing food relationship in an ecosystem.(Solved)
Give four modes of expressing food relationship in an ecosystem.
Date posted: August 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- In a certain plant species, which is normally green, a recessive gene for colour (n) causes the plant to be white when present in the...(Solved)
In a certain plant species, which is normally green, a recessive gene for colour (n) causes the plant to be white when present in the homozygous stat. Such plants die young at an early age. In the heterozygous state the plants are pale green and grow to maturity.
(a).Suggest a reason for the early death of the plants with the homozygous recessive genes.
(b).If a normal green plant was crossed with the pale green plant, what will be the phenotypic ratio of F1 generation?
(c).Give an explanation for the occurrence of pale green colour in the heterozygous state.
Date posted: August 5, 2019. Answers (1)
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Outline the role of acrosome in human spermatozoan.
Date posted: August 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the adaptations of the guard cells to opening and closing of stomata.(Solved)
Describe the adaptations of the guard cells to opening and closing of stomata.
Date posted: August 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between the mode of fertilization in higher plants and in mammals.(Solved)
Differentiate between the mode of fertilization in higher plants and in mammals.
Date posted: August 5, 2019. Answers (1)
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Describe the hormones involved in menstrual cycle and their roles
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Explain the effects of population migration.
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Explain why genetic counseling is termed as one practical application of genetics
Date posted: June 25, 2019. Answers (1)
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Distinguish between tendons and ligaments
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State how natural active acquired immunity is attained by an individual
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State the role of spleen in human defense mechanism
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Name one secondary sexual characteristic common to both males and females
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the varying events that follow a flower after fertilization.(Solved)
Describe the varying events that follow a flower after fertilization.
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between the following terms:
Pollination and fertilization(Solved)
Distinguish between the following terms:
Pollination and fertilization
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
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The eggs of birds are relatively much larger than those of mammals. Explain
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State one feature of pollen grains from a wind pollinated flower
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- State the functions of the following parts in the male reproductive system(a) Somniferous tubules(b) Sertoli cells(Solved)
State the functions of the following parts in the male reproductive system
(a) Semniferous tubules
(b) Sertoli cells
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- State two major structural differences between fruit and a seed(Solved)
State two major structural differences between fruit and a seed
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- State three ways in which seed dormancy benefits a plant(Solved)
State three ways in which seed dormancy benefits a plant
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name the hormone that:
(a) Stimulate the contraction of uterus during birth.
(b) Stimulate the disintegration of corpus luteum when fertilization fails to take place.(Solved)
Name the hormone that:
(a) Stimulate the contraction of uterus during birth.
(b) Stimulate the disintegration of corpus luteum when fertilization fails to take place.
Date posted: June 18, 2019. Answers (1)