What were the results of Indian Ocean trade?


Explain the results of Indian Ocean trade.



- Led to foundation and development of city states. Villages grew into towns and towns into stone built cities e .g . Lamu, Mombasa, Malindi, Pate, Manila etc.
- Led to the spread of Islamic religion to the interior of Kenya .Many people were converted to Islamic faith.
- Islamic culture and civilization spread along the coast e .g dressing habits, eating habits became Asian and Islamic.
- Arabic design and architecture spread along the coast of Kenya and later into the interior of Kenya e .g. mosque, Schools and shops were built using Arabic design and architecture.
- Most city- states became wealthy and powerful. There was often conflicts between them for control of trade and taxes charged on traders.
- Islamic government and sheria laws were established in some of the city-states e .g. Mombasa, Malindi , Gedi e.t.c.
- Rulers and merchants grew wealthy due to Indian ocean trade.
- They dressed in expensive silk cloth from China and cotton clothes from India, they lived in houses built of stones, finely decorated, ate in splendid plates, porcelain plates from China.
- It opened up the interior of Kenya to the outside
- Islamic schools where people were taught how to read and write were built
- The Arabs and Persians intermarried with the coast Bantu giving rise to a new breed of people called waswahili. A new language emerged
- Arabs and Persians along the coast introduced new crops, spices and cooking style e.g banana, coconut, rice, clove and wheat.


1. Led to development of towns along the Kenyan coast e.g Mombasa, malindi, Lamu

2. Arabs-Muslim culture spread along the Kenyan Coast

3. Some African Communities living along the coast were converted into Muslims

4. Arabs immigrants intermarried with indigenous inhabitants giving rise to the Swahili community

5. Muslim system of government was introduced at the coast

6. Arab traders and others introduced new crops along the Kenyan Coast

7.The coming of Arabs stimulated growth of trade between coastal towns and the outside world
johnmulu answered the question on January 27, 2017 at 14:03

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