List the roles played by Kenya Federation of labour in the struggle for independence


List the roles played by Kenya Federation of labour in the struggle for independence.



1. Its leaders presented African problems in international forums for support

2. It acted as a nursery for political nationalists like Tom Mboya who later played an important role in the struggle for independence

3. Pressurised the colonial government and the employers to offer better working and living conditions for African workers

4. Educated African workers on their rights hence united them mainly in urban centres to fight against colonial government

5. Organised strikes and boycotts to show injustices caused by colonialists. This occassioned changes e.g. replacement of Kipande system with new identity cards

6. Demanded for the release of political prisoners

7. Voiced African problems during the state of emergency in Kenya
johnmulu answered the question on January 27, 2017 at 14:12

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