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You are a Form 4 student at Rafiki High School. You would like to pursue a course in Computer Programming after the KCSE examination. You...


You are a Form 4 student at Rafiki High School. You would like to pursue a course in Computer Programming after the KCSE examination. You have heard about Imani Computer College which offers such a course.

Write a letter of inquiry to the Principal, Imani Computer College inquiring on:

i) Minimum educational requirements
ii) Subjects useful for this course
iii) Fee per semester



1. a) format

senders address
recipient address
name NB

b) content

- intro- state reason for writing. ( I am writing to inquire about…)
- -evidence writer a for/not done kcse
- body – facts to support the inquiry i.e details to support your request for in the inquiry
- minimum requirements
- subjects useful for the course
- -fee per semester
- duration of course
c) language (3mrks)
A=4, B= 3, C= 2, D =1
1 B
Address (1mark)
Convey gratitude 1mrks,
Why?Reason 2mrks
Signing off(1mark)

marto answered the question on August 6, 2019 at 12:57

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