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The graph below represents the climate of station X. Use it to answer the questions that follow.


The graph below represents the climate of station X. Use it to answer the questions that follow.


(a) Describe characteristics of the climate represented.

(b) Explain ways in which vegetation in the station adapt to the climate.

(c) Students carried out a field study on soils found on the station represented.

(i) State four soil characteristics they would look for.

(ii) Explain how they would use the following methods to collect data.
- Content analysis
- Observation



- Rainfall is high 900mm pa

- Rainfall is one maxima

- Area experiences a short dry season

- Lowest temperature experienced during dry season.

- Temperature rises as rainfall increases / fall as rainfall decreases.

- Climate is hot.

- Moderate annual temperature range 180C

-Adaptation of vegetation in the station.

- Acacia trees have umbrella leaves to reduce water loss

- The trees have umbrella shaped canopies to reduce evaporation from around tree.

- Trees have deep roots which tap underground water during the dry season.

- Grasses dry up in dry season and sprout quickly when rain comes.

- Water content

- Soil colour

- Texture

- Porosity

- Organic mater content

- Acidity

- Depth.

Content analysis -Look at available soil maps of the area to help determine soil type
and acidity.

Observation – Look at soil to determine colour / texture by looking at sizes of crystals and
feeling them between fingers.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 13, 2019 at 09:19

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