Identify the duties of the Speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya


Identify the duties of the Speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya.



1. Can adjourn the house or even suspend a seating in case of disorder

2. He has a casting vote to break the deadlock

3. He is the spokesman of the legislature

4. Swears in members of parliament

5. Receives visitors(MP) from other countries on behalf of the parliamentarians

6. Forwards discussed bills to the president for assent

7. Is the one who gives writs if need be

8. Ensures orderliness of business of the house

9. Selects speaker during debates

10. Chairs parliamentary session debates and ensures strict adherence to the procedures and conduct of debates

11. Receives a bill and questions before they are debated on
johnmulu answered the question on January 28, 2017 at 07:21

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