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Fill the blank spaces with the correct article


Fill the blank spaces with the correct article

i) The students said they wanted…………union.

ii) What is ……. Ewe?



i) a


marto answered the question on August 14, 2019 at 12:36

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    Date posted: August 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    When in early 1970s ultrasound confronted me with the sight of the embryo in a womb, I simply lost my faith in abortion on demand. I did not hold onto my old convictions. The change was in its way a clean and surgical conversion. I am by nature one that works out the conflicting data, weighs the opposing argument with great care, decides and then acts upon it with no lingering backward glances.
    By 1984 however, I had begun to ask myself more questions about abortion: What actually goes on in an abortion? I had done many but abortion is a blind procedure. The doctor does not see what he is doing. He puts an instrument into a uterus and he turns on a mortar and a suction machine goes on and something is vacuumed out; it ends up as little pile of meat in a gauze bag. I wanted to know what happened, so in 1984 I said to a friend of mine who was doing fifteen or maybe twenty abortions a day:‘ Look ,do me a favour,Jay .Next Saturday when you are doing all these abortions put an ultra sound on the mother and tape it on me.”
    He did, and when he looked at the tapes with me in the editing studio, he was so affected that he never did another abortion. Although I had not performed an abortion in five years, I was shaken to the very roots of my soul by what I saw. The tapes were shockingly amazing. Some of the tapes weren’t of very good quality but I selected one that was of better quality than the others and began to show it at pro- life gatherings around the country.(I had my first contact with pro-life movement in 1981 when the then president of the National Right to Life Committee, Carolyn Gerster, had gotten in touch with me).
    At the time, I was speaking at a pro-life meetings around the country in weekends, and the response to the tape was so intense and dramatic that finally I was approached by a man named Don Smith, who wanted to make my tape into a film. I agreed that it would be good idea. That is how The Silent Scream, which was to generate so many furore, came to be made. We showed it for the first time in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on January3, 1985. The reaction was instantaneous. Everybody was up in arms because The Silent Scream represented an enormous threat to the abortion forces, and because it escalated the war (it is not really a debate- we don’t debate with each, we scream at one another). For the first time, we had the technology, and they had nothing.
    The Silent Scream depicted a twelve- week- foetus being torn to pieces in the uterus by the combination of suction and crushing instrumentation by the abortionist. It was so powerful that pro choicers trotted out their heaviest hitters to denounce the tape. They very cleverly deflected the impact of the film into an academic cul- de- suc: a dispute regarding whether the foetus feels pain during an abortion. The impetus for the debate came from an on – the- record musing by the then President, Ronald Reagan, as to how much pain the foetus feels during an abortion.
    ( Source: The hand of God: A journey from death to life by the Abortion doctor who changed his mind- Bernard N. Nathanson, MD)

    a) Based on your understanding of the entire passage, comment on the nature of the writer’s ‘old convictions’.

    b) Explain why it was easy for doctors such as the writer to carry out abortions prior to introduction of ultrasound technology?

    c) What are the names that are commonly used to refer to the two opposing groups mentioned in the passage

    d) Briefly describe, in your own words, how those who supported abortion tried to undermine the impact of ‘ The Silent Scream’.

    e) “ I was shaken to the very roots of my soul by what I saw’’. Rewrite this sentence beginning: (What…)

    f) Make notes on the way abortion is carried out according to this passage

    g) Identify and illustrate the use of parenthesis in the passage, give two examples.

    h) Provide one example from the passage to illustrate the need for leaders to weigh their words carefully.

    i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.




    Date posted: August 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    ii) Mary walked out on her family

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. (Solved)

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    Krogstad: Are you aware that is a dangerous confession?
    Nora: In what way? You shall have your money soon.
    Krogstad: Let me ask you a question: Why did you not send the paper to your father?
    Nora: It was impossible: papa was so ill. If I had asked him for his signature, I should have had to tell him what the money was to be used for: and when he was so ill himself, I couldn’t tell him that my husband’s life was in danger – it was impossible.
    Krogstad: It would have been better for you if you had given up your trip abroad.

    Nora: No, that was impossible. That trip was to save my husband’s life. I couldn’t give that up.
    Krogstad: But did it never occur to you that you were committing a fraud on me?
    Nora: I couldn’t take that into account: I didn’t trouble myself about you at all. I couldn’t bear you, because you put so many heartless difficulties in my way, although you knew what a dangerous condition my husband was in.
    Krogstad : Mrs. Helmer, you evidently do not realise clearly what it is that you have been guilty of. But I can assure you that my one false step, which lost me all my reputation, was nothing more or nothing worse than what you have done.
    Nora: You? Do you ask me to believe that you were brace enough to run a risk to save your wife’s life?
    Krogstad: Foolish or not, it is the law by which you will be judged, if I produce this paper in court.
    Nora: I don’t believe it. Is a daughter not to be allowed to spare her dying father anxiety and care? Is a wife not to be allowed to save her husband’s life? I dont know much about law: but I am certain that there must be laws permitting such things as that. Have you no knowledge of such laws – you who are a lawyer? You must be very poor Mr Krogstad.
    Krogstad: Maybe. But matters of business – such business as you and I have had together – do you think I don’t understand that? Very well. Do as you please. But let me tell you this – if I lose my position a second time, you shall lose yours with me. (He bows and goes out through the hall) Nora (appears buried in thought for a short time, then tosses her head) Nonsense! Trying to frighten me like that! – I am not so silly as he thinks. (begins to busy herself putting the children’s things in order) And yet-? No it’s impossible! I did it for love’s sake.
    a) Briefly describe the dangerous confession Nora admits to in the onset of the excerpt.
    b) Explain why Nora did not send the paper to her father for signing.

    c) Explain two themes evident in the excerpt above.

    d) Contrast Krogstad’s and Nora’s views on the law
    e) How is Krogstad portrayed in the excerpt
    f) The law cares nothing about motives. (Add a question tag)
    g) Krogstad informs Nora that “one false step, lost him all reputation.” Briefly explain how.
    h) “……….If I lose my position a second time, you shall lose yours with me.” From elsewhere in the play, show the truth of this statement
    i) What is the general tone in this excerpt? Explain your answer.
    j) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.
    (i) defiantly
    (ii) false step

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

    In the end I was duly discharged (from hospital) and sent back relieved but not cured. A very elaborate belt kept death at arm’s length. My congregation was deeply sympathetic, but started making representations for my transfer. Shortly afterwards the final blow was delivered. The circumstances in which I was forced to retire from the work for which I had sacrificed my youth and strength and hope were so confused and sad that a bitter taste will forever remain. I had toiled for over half a century only to end like this. Somehow I feel my third courtship had something to do with it, for I drew bitter opposition from some new relations of the lady. The campaign of mudslinging grew to ugly proportions and became an organized campaign to throw me out. Charges were tramped up. I was declared feeble, aged and unable to visit outstations, and probably I was secretly called immoral. These charges were duly handed to the superintendent minister.
    Meanwhile at Mankessim angry mobs made the place untenable. I was in the end transferred – nowhere. That was the end. My retirement was skillfully managed by the chairman and superintendent minister, and I went quietly into obscurity with no lauvels and no respect, no last-minute farewell or godspeeds; no visible means of support save that which my own sons were hopefully expected to give. For catechists are the scum of the earth and command no respect and expect none. They are entitled to no gratuities or pension and when they are strong enough to outlive their usefulness….. “God will provide” I had worked half a century to bring salvation to other people. It would probably be appropriate to say, “Physician heal theyself.” Sometimes I think we, the workers in the Lord’s vineyard, have the greatest need of salvation ‘in the obscurity of retirement I can now have time to look back on my life and into my soul and try to assess where I failed and try to effect my own salvation.’ God indeed never leaves those who believe in Him really desolate. I have my wife with me now. My sons are all securely settled in life and work to support my old age. At the throne of God, I hope the Almighty will not deal too harshly with his servant, but in His infinite mercy will forgive my sins and accept even me.
    (From: Joseph W. Abruquah, The Catechist, London – 1965)


    a) What was the narrator’s occupation before he was taken ill?

    b) Mention four factors responsible for the narrator’s dismissal from his duty.


    c) Justify the narrator’s bitter attitude in the third paragraph.
    d) Identify and explain the feature of style in the sentence below: They are entitled to no gratuities or pension and why they are strong enough to outlive their usefulness….. “God will provide.”

    e) Basing your argument on one major failing of the narrator, why should you not be sympathetic with is situation

    f) On the whole, what feelings towards the narrator does this passage arouse? Explain your answer.
    g) The narrator uses the word ‘salvation’ to elicit two implications. Explain these two implications.

    h) Quote a statement in the last paragraph that hints at the narrator’s sense of remorse.

    i) My congregation was deeply sympathetic but started making representations for my transfer. (Rewrite this sentence beginning: Much as …………………

    j) Explain the meaning of the following words and clause in the passage (3 marks)
    (i) Mudslinging
    (ii) Obscurity

    iii) Physician heal theyself

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • You do not require to cheat to pass (Supply a suitable question tag). (Solved)

    You do not require to cheat to pass

    (Supply a suitable question tag).

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Write the following sentences in indirect speech “These are juicy mangoes,” Ken said. (Solved)

    Write the following sentences in indirect speech

    “These are juicy mangoes,” Ken said.

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Use the correct alternative to complete the sentences below. (Solved)

    Use the correct alternative to complete the sentences below.

    i. Teaching ……………………………………(practice/practice) is not an easy job for teacher-trainees.

    ii. The prophet’s ……………………………….(prophesy/prophecy) was misleading to his audience.

    iii. He …………………………………….((insured/ensured) his car with Madison.

    iv. Mwita ………………………………..(hanged/hung) the chart on the wall.

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces in the sentences below.(Solved)

    Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces in the sentences below.

    i. The audience was offended by the ……………………….………..(sense) of the speaker.

    ii. The ………………………………………..(acquire) of a university degree is a great milestone to a student.

    iii. Everyone should obey the law ………………………………of their position in the society.

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Supply the correct preposition to complete the sentences given. (Solved)

    Supply the correct preposition to complete the sentences given.

    i. Property worth millions of shillings went up …………………….flames.

    ii. The three boys shared the bread ……………………………..themselves.

    iii. We should strive to live …………………………………our means.

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (Solved)

    Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given .

    i. He will not be given a driving license. He passes the road test (Rewrite as one using ‘unless’)

    ii. The woman left the child with a neighbor and went to the market. (Begin: leaving….)
    iii. The boys went to play in the field (give the adverbial)

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

    The process of developing social skills among children at an early age is important. Researchers have cited rejection by peers as the greatest challenge children face in their quest to build meaningful social skills. It has been reported that children who get bullied and snubbed by peers are more likely to have problems in relating with others. In recent times, researchers have found at least three factors in a child’s behavior that can lead to social rejection. The factors involve a child’s inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from their pals. In the United states 10 to 13 percent of school-going children experience some form of rejection by their peers. In addition to causing mental health problems, bullying and social isolation can increase the likelihood of a child getting poor grades, dropping out of school, or developing substance abuse problems.

    It is reported that the social skills that children gain on the playground or elsewhere could show up later in life, according to Richard Lavoie, an expert in child social behaviour. He says that children experiment with the relationship styles they will have as adults during unstructured playtime-when children interact without the guidance of an authority figure. Researchers say that the number-one need of any human is to be liked by other humans. However, researchers have expressed concern that our children are like strangers in their own land. They don’t understand the basic rules of social behaviour and their mistakes are usually unintentional.

    Children who face rejection may have problems in at least one of three different areas of nonverbal communication, which is the reason they are rejected. These are reading nonverbal cues; understanding their social meaning; and coming up with options for resolving a social conflict. A child, for example, simply my not notice a person’s scowl of impatience or understand what a
    tapped foot means. In another situation, a child may have trouble reconciling the desires of a friend with her own. Anyone trying to help children on their social skills should try to pinpoint the weaknesses a child has and then build those up.

    When children have prolonged struggles with socializing, “a vicious cycle begins,” children who are shunned by others have few opportunities to practice social skills whereas popular children have more than enough opportunities to perfect theirs. However, having just one or two friends can be enough to give a child the social practice he or she need.
    Parents, teachers and other adults in a child’s life can help, too. Instead of reacting with anger or embarrassment to a child who, say, asks Aunt Vera if her new hairdo was a mistake, parents should teach social skills with the same tone they use for teaching numeracy skills or proper hygiene.If presented as a learning opportunity, rather than a punishment, children usually appreciate the lesson. It is important to note that most children are so desperate to have friends that they just jump on board.
    To teach social skills, Lavoie advises a five-step approach in his book. The process works for children with or without learning disabilities and is best conducted immediately after a wrongdoing has been made. First, ask the child what happened and listen without judgment. Second, ask the child to identify their mistake. Often children only know that someone got upset, but don’t understand their own role in the outcome. Third, help the child identify the cue they missed or mistake they made, by asking something like: “How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre swing?” Instead of lecturing with the word “should,” offer options the child “could” have taken in the moment, such as “You could have asked Emma to join you or told her you would give her the swing after your turn. “Fourth, you can create an imaginary but similar scenario where the child can make the right choice. For example, you could say, “If you were playing with a shovel in the sand box and Aiden wanted to use it, what would you do?” Lastly, give the child” social homework” by asking him to practice this new skill, saying: “Now that you know the importance of sharing, I want to hear about something you share tomorrow.”
    (Adapted from Feb 2, 2010)


    a) In one sentence, explain what this passage is talking about?

    b) What is the number one need of any human being?

    c) What are cited as the causes for social rejection according to the passage

    d) What is social rejection likely to lead to


    e) What vicious cycle is referred to in this passage

    f) How can a parent make children appreciate the lesson on social skills?

    g) “How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre swing?” Re-write in reported speech.

    h) Make notes on the five-step approach to teach children social skills
    i) Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage

    i. Authority figure
    ii. Shunned

    iii. Jump on board

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Complete the telephone conversation below between a parent and a student acting as a receptionist at her school.(Solved)

    Complete the telephone conversation below between a parent and a student acting as a receptionist at her school.

    Mrs. Wanjau: ………………………………………………………………………………

    Joan: Hallo. Yes, this is Makutano High School. How can I help you?

    Mrs. Wanjau: ………………………………………………………………………………….…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Joan: I am sorry the Principal is not in at the moment. Can you leave a message?
    Mrs. Wanjau:………………………………………………………………………………

    Joan: I am Joan, a form 4 student stepping in for the receptionist who has gone out shortly.
    Mrs. Wanjau: ………………………………………………………………………………

    Joan: Yes once in a while students of office practice and typing are allowed to step in for the receptionist as part of their practice.

    Mrs. Wanjau: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Joan: Thank you very much. I will let the Principal know that you will call tomorrow

    Date posted: August 13, 2019.  Answers (1)