The table below shows Kenya’s coffee sale (prices) in the World market from 1974 – 1983. Study it and answer the following questions.


The table below shows Kenya’s coffee sale (prices) in the World market from 1974 – 1983. Study it and answer the following questions.


(i) Draw a line graph to represent the data.

(ii) What are the advantages of a line graph?

(iii) Explain why there was a sharp increase in coffee prices during 1976/77 period.



(i) Q715820191001.png

-Gives a good visual impression of the continuity of data

-It is simple and easy to interpret

-It is easy to construct

(iii) The sharp increase in coffee prices during the 1976/77 period can be attributed to the fact that during this period coffee in Brazil which is a major producer was destroyed by frost causing a shortage in the World market.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 15, 2019 at 07:07

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