What constitutional changes instituted in Kenya between 1981 and 1992?


Discuss five constitutional changes instituted in Kenya between 1981 and 1992.



1. In 1982, the Kenya was made a one party state i.e dejure state and KANU became the only political party

2. In 1987, the tenure of office of the Attorney General, Chief Secretary, Controller and Auditor General was removed, thus coming under the sole discretion of the President

3. In 1988, president was empowered to employ and dismiss judges through an act of parliament

4. In 1991, Section 2a of the constitution was repealed paving way for the introduction of multipartism in Kenya

5. In 1992, president elect was to gather 25% votes from five of the eight provinces to be declared winner
johnmulu answered the question on January 28, 2017 at 07:29

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