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Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined.


Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined .
i. The nurse couldn’t tolerate the noise(tolerate)

ii. The mayor assumed that the problem had been got rid of.(got rid of0



i) Put up with

ii) Ironed out

marto answered the question on August 15, 2019 at 13:10

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow(Solved)

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    Society has the obligation to provide young people with the right knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, according a World Bank Report, Development and the Next Generation. And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes.

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    It stresses the need to improve the relevance and quality of post primary education by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills demanded by the labour market. To achieve this, the education system must promote a teaching method that leads to high learning achievement and blends the academic and vocational curricular. It should link what happens in school to local economy.

    To improve the relevance of education to the learners, the report says, education must produce peep with strong thinking and interpersonal skills because job tasks are increasingly requiring problem solving, and communciaiton skills. Entrepreneurs are also increasingly demanding thinking skills and problem and behavioral skills such as self-confidence and leadership.

    In a nutshell, what are the types of skills that a topnotch education system requires? It requires two basic types of skills: thinking skills and behavioral skills. Thinking skills include conceptual, critical and creative skills. High quality education develops learners with superior conceptual, analytical and critical skills – skills that condition the learner to be curious,. Inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or processes. Behavioral skills include such traits as perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, the ability to negotiate risks.

    The report also still highlights the enduring role of what it terms basic skills which is literacy and numeracy-ability to read, write and count. These basic skills are needed for further learning, work and life. The report also identifies what it terms post basic skills-the higher order thinking skills, and higher order behavioural skills such as decision-making skills, team work, the ability to negotiate conflict and manage risks and specific knowledge applied to real-life situations, and vocational skills. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role of Early Childhood and Primary and Secondary cycle plays in crating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and Universality education. The quality of higher education is as good as the primary and secondary education.

    (Adapted From Elimu News. A Newsletter of Ministry of Education. Issue No. 7 Dec. 2012)

    a) According to the passage what is the role of the society in the development of an individual?

    b) In what ways can an education system attain the demands of the job market?

    c) Contrast thinking and behavourial skills

    d) In not more than 40 words, summarize what is expected of a person who has attained post basic skills

    e) Explain the relationship between primary and secondary education

    f) The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits, (Rewrite using a conditional)

    g) How does post secondary education benefit from lower levels of education?

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Add question tags to the following statements. (Solved)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the extract below from DOLL’S HOUSE and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    Mrs. Linde: Still I think the sick are those who most need taking care of.
    Rank: (shrugging his shoulders) Yes, there you are. That is the sentiment that is turning Society into a sick-house. (NORA, who has been absorbed in her thoughts, breaks out into smothered laugher and claps her hands).
    Rank: Why do you laugh at that? Have you any notion what Society really is?
    Nora: 'What do I care about tiresome Society? I am laughing at something quite different, something extremely amusing. Tell
    me, Doctor Rank, are all the people who are employed in the Bank dependent on Torvald now?
    Rank: Is that what you find so extremely amusing?
    Nora: (smiling and humming) That's my affair! (walking about the room) It's perfectly glorious to think that we have — that Torvald has so much power over so many people. (takes the packet in her pocket) Doctor Rank, what do you say to a macaroon?
    Rank: What, macaroons? I thought they were forbidden here.
    Nora: Yes, but these are some Christine gave me.
    Mrs. Linde: What! I ?-
    Nora: Oh, well, don't be ashamed! You couldn't know that Torvald had forbidden them. I must tell you that he is afraid they will spoil my teeth. But, bah! — once in a way —That's so, isn't it, Doctor Rank? By your leave! (Puts a macaroon into her mouth)
    You must have one too, Christine. And I shall have one, just a little one — or at most two. (walking about) I am tremendously happy. There is just one thing in the world now that I should dearly love to do.
    Rank: Well, what is that?
    Nora: It's something I should dearly love to say. If Torvald could hear me.
    Rank: Well, why can't you say it?
    Nora: No, I daren't; it is so shocking.
    Mrs. Linde: Shocking?
    Rank: Well, I should not dvise you to say it. Still, with us you might. What is ti you would so much like to say if Torvald could hear you?
    Nora: I should just love to say— Well, I'm dammed!
    Rank: Are you mad?
    Mrs. Linde: Nora, dear- !
    Rank: Say it, here he is! Nora (hiding her packet) Hush! Hush! Hush! ) HELMER comes out of his room, with his coat over his arm and his hat in his hand.)
    Nora: Well, Torvald dear, have you got rid of him?
    Helmer: Yes, he has just gone.
    Nora: Let me introduce you — this is Christine, who has come to town.
    Helmer: Christine - ? Excuse me, but I don't know — Of course. School friends of my wife's I presume?
    Mrs. Linde: Yes, we have known each other since then.
    Nora: And just think, she has taken a long journey in order to see you.
    Helmer: What do you mean? Mrs. Linde. No, really, I—
    Nora: And when she heard you had been appointed manager of the Bank — she travelled here as quick as she could Torvald, I am sure you will be able to do something for Christine, for my sake, won't you?


    a) Why does Mrs. Linde feel that those who are sick need taking care of?

    b) Identify use of symbolism in the excerpt.

    c) Give Nora's traits brought out in the excerpt.

    d) What amuses Nora when she finds out that Helmer has so much power over many people? Explain

    e) What is it that Nora would dearly love to say?

    f) Hush! Hush! Hush! Identify the style used here.

    g) What happens immediately after the excerpt?

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. (Solved)

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    (a) The career market is full of many opportunities. (Begin: There ..............)

    (b) The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle Mathematics and Physics well. (Begin: If ............)

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Choosing a career (Solved)

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

    Choosing a career

    The career market is full of opportunities. Gone are the days when we had ‘either…. or’ career choices. The time when women, for example, choose between only nursing, teaching and secretarial work are long gone. The explosion in communication technology, and the liberalization and globalization of the world economy has ensured that there is no longer a dearth of career choice. Today,
    colleges and universities offer a wide range of training opportunities to high school graduates. This has made choosing a care an involving process. It has also given rise to the need for career counseling.

    When choosing a career, whether you have the help of a career counsellor or not, there are several factors that you should consider. These include your abilities or talents, your interests, your priorities, and the available opportunities in the job market.

    The skills required in a particular career and the ability to gain them through education must be considered when choosing careers. Becoming a doctor, for instance, requires extensive education and training, and many years of educational commitment. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the academic background required for this career is good grades in Chemistry and Biology at secondary school level. If your ability in these subjects is just average, you would be overstretching your luck to enroll for a Bachelor of Medicine degree course. In the past, students have chosen to pursue training in engineering, even when their ability to handle Physics and Mathematics was low. This, in many cases, has made them drop out of the class mid-course. The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle Mathematics and Physics well.

    There are times when people have been driven to choose a particular career because of the salary and prestige associated with jobs in that field. At times, the desire to take certain courses comes from within the individual, but most times, individuals feel pressured by peers or family to take certain courses. Joining a career in which you have no interest is a recipe for a dull life since you will spend most of your working hours doing something you do not like. Your career does not necessarily have to be your passion, but it should not bore you to death either. You can work out your interests by identifying the subjects you enjoy most at school, or the topics that are of interest to you and for which you take the initiative to read on your own.

    It is true that many young people are attracted move by the social mobility that the job might provide than by their interest in the career. However, big role in job satisfaction as many people think. Of course we all have to make a living, but if you do not like your job, it does not matter how much you get paid to do it. What does matter is how well a career choice matches your values. If you value variety, collaboration, and creativity, for example, you would not find job satisfaction in a career where you are working alone and doing the same thing every day.

    The availability of jobs in a particular field should also be a factor in choosing a career. This should be considered alongside the skills and education sought in a given field. Most times, highly competitive field require more education but may not pay well. When there are more applicants for a particular position, unique personality traits become an added benefit. However, in fields where there are fewer applicants than the positions available, the pay may be more and the job may require less education
    Nevertheless, one should be discouraged by the scarcity of employment positions because institutions of higher learning now emphasize that they are not simply training people to get out and look for jobs. They are training people to get out and create jobs. Therefore, the availability of job opportunities is not necessarily limited to presence of employers. It also encompasses opportunities for self-employment which everyone is free to explore.

    1. What has ensured that there is no longer a dearth of career choice

    2. What has created the necessity for career counseling?

    3. Why is one’s ability an important factor in career choice.

    4. According to the passage, which career should a person who values variety choose?

    5. Make notes on factors to consider when choosing a career?

    6. What drives people to choose a particular career?

    7. What evidence is given in the passage to support the statement ‘money does not play as a big role in job

    8. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage? (4 marks)
    (a) Dearth
    (b) Social mobility
    (c) Liberalization
    (d) Collaboration

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Add a question tag to the following statements.(Solved)

    Add a question tag to the following statements.

    a. Let us help the sick

    b. You will wait for them here

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Fill in the spaces with the correct form of word in the brackets.(Solved)

    Fill in the spaces with the correct form of word in the brackets.

    a. No single female candidate won the ___________________________ seat in the election (governor)

    b. _______ has not returned to the country yet.(normal)

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Fill in the blank with the most suitable prepositions.(Solved)

    Fill in the blank with the most suitable prepositions.

    a. John is fond __________________________________ his daughter.

    b. He is very bossy. He loves ordering people_______________________________

    c. She inherited the house ........................ her grandmother.

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (Solved)

    Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.

    i. He understood why people had been laughing after he realized the ugliness of his headgear. (Rewrite using present participle)

    ii. Malenge did not bother to campaign .he was convinced that he was the students’ favorite for the post of a school captain. (Rewrite using Past Participle)

    iii. I have been studying in this school complained the student but I have never scored a hundred percent in any subject. (Punctuate correctly)

    iv. The watchman spotted the student sneaking from school(Rewrite to remove the gender bias)

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

    One of the oldest forms of recreation known to human kind, sports are the one arena in which many of the society’s
    traditional strictures about masculinity are often loosened ,allowing boys to experience parts of themselves they reared experience elsewhere. At their best, sports provide boys with an opportunity for play in a free atmosphere so that they can be themselves and express a full range of emotions-from the exhilaration of a last minute goal to the acute disappointment of being defeated by the opposing team, from the joy of being the one to pull of unexpected play to the embarrassment of fumbling the ball in the last quarter of the game
    Sports provide boys with the theater for the unfettered expressions of their feelings, a place where it is OK to be spirited, a motive and passionate. As twelve- year- old Max told me,”During school we have to be quiet, and raise our hands to talk. It is boring and sometimes I feel like there is nobody to talk to. I love doing sports after school because we can all be
    together. We to run fast, shout out things, scream, whatever. It lets me be me.”
    For many boys, sports can be a form of intimacy and a way to be honest. By temporarily freeing boys from the Boy Code — especially from the rules that say boys shouldn’t express feelings, show, and affection or expose their yarning for connection -sports can become one of the most important activities through which our sons, as their genuine selves, can relate closely with girls and other boys.
    But just as much as they can offer a break from the Boy Code, a chance for openness, expressions and intimacy, sports can also push back loneliness, shame and vicious competition. “It’s rough out there” one high school football player recently told me. “Some guys play hard just the way they should. But other guys just seem like they are out to get you-you know, they try to demolish you”. Thus sports can also be a place where boys show unbridled aggression, let out inappropriate feelings of anger and frustrations, and actually hurt other boys.
    And then sports can thrust boys into a cult of competition, the goal of winning at any cost, a quest for narcissistic glory at the expense of others. They cause some boys- especially those who are not interested in sports or who are not skilled at playing them —to feel left out unworthy, a shamed.
    I firmly believe that the positive benefits to boys dim when sports cease to be play. D.W. Winnicott, to distinguished English pyschoanalist observed that for children, play is at the heart of health integrated development. His words were especially pertinent to boys whole inner selves are too often suppressed. “Playing shows that the child is capable of developing a personal way of life and eventually becoming a whole being... welcomed by the world at large.”
    Sheer competition among ooysreareiyouna character and does little to bring boys closer to one another.
    But sports, when they are played, can be a tremendously good thing for boys. The late commissioner of baseball and Renaissance scholar Giamatti A.BatletGiamati spoke of sports as, “that aspiration out of the self-for a moment in touch-with a joy free of all constraints. It is a sensation not of winning, but of fully playing “. When sports are kept in proper perspective — when we see sports primarily as a chance for boys come together for joyful, spirited high energy play-they can help boys discover new competencies, buttress their feelings of self-worth and reunite them with their authentic voices, enabling them to express the deepest stirrings of emotions in their hearts, widening their cycles of connection.


    1. In your own words, write the point that the author makes in the first sentence of this passage.

    2. What is Max’s attitude towards school?

    Re write the following sentences following the instructions given after each. Do not change the

    (a) Some guys play hard just the way they should,” said the student. (Rewrite in reported speech)

    (b) During school we have to be quiet .(Add a question tag)

    4. When do sports cease to be play according to the author?

    5. What do you think the author means by Boy Code?

    6. In not more than sixty words, summarize the disadvantages of sports as portrayed in the

    Rough Copy

    Fair Copy


    7.Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage

    (a) Unfettered

    (b) Pertinent

    (c) Buttress

    Date posted: August 15, 2019.  Answers (1)