(a) Square root of 14,400 = 120
Square root of 8,100 = 90
Scale: 1 cm rep. 40 million tones
Radius for Nairobi circle = 120/40 = 3 cm
Radius for Nyeri circle = 90/40 = 2.25 cm
Oil…………….10,000/14,400 x 360 = 250 degrees
Gas……………2,400/14,400 x 360 = 60 degrees
Wood………….2,000/14,400 x 360 = 50 degrees
Oil……………4,100/8,100 x 360 = 182.2 degrees
Gas…………..1,000/8,100 x 360 = 44.4 degrees
Wood………..3,000/8,100 x 360 = 133.3 degrees
Proportional Circles to represent the three sources of energy in Nairobi and Nyeri are presented below

(b) (i) 1,000/8,100 x 100 = 12.3 percent
Consumption of Oil in Nairobi:-Oil is used for transport due to large number of vehicles thus high consumption
-High demand for oil for cooking and lighting
-Easily available from pumps and nearby kiosks
-High demand in industries for industrial use and as lubricants
-Availability of high purchasing power as a result of urbanization
Wood in Nyeri:-Availability of wood as most people practice agroforestry
-Wood energy is not as expensive as gas/oil energy
-High demand for wood fuel for heating and cooking
-Popularity of fuel wood as a source of energy in rural setting
maurice.mutuku answered the question on
August 15, 2019 at 13:47