a) - Their working conditions are unhygienic- bristling grass/wormy mud/water from age rusty water
- They work in dangerous environment – head splitting noise /threatening saws/very high
temperature (boiling point)
- Long working hours – from dawn to dusk.
- Meager strchy food – suck their energy from slimy cassava,
b) – In stanza three the persona is a politician “while the workers clap their blistered hands”
- In stanza 4 the persona is a government official v1 “I state house them, collegize them ,officialize
them – he declares the workers squattersv1 saying the land they have built their hovels on is state house land, college land ,official land.
- In stanza 6 the persona is a trade unionistv1 “I tell the workers to unite….”
c) Images
i) Fat – bursting fruitv1 – a metaphor depicting how attractive mouth - watering the workers’ achievement is.
ii) A benz – the most prestigious vehicles – hence the outcome of the workers’ sweat is very valuable, desirable.
d) The bonds of poverty . They break it by indulging themselves in immoral activities. (N.B the repetition of words in line 19 implies the high speed /giddiness of the activities through which the bond will be broken.
e) Sweat and grime have sealed vtheir ears .Eyes have been blasted with welding sparks .That is : their working conditions have affected them/these are more pertinent problems to them than uniting to fight for their rights.
f) The workers will know their rights and they will revenge – along delayed blow.
marto answered the question on August 16, 2019 at 13:08
- Read the following passage below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following passage below and answer the questions that follow.
As amatter of courtesy, we had decided we would not eat until he arrived. Although he was expected at six o’clock in the evening, it was not until two hours later that he showed up. Not only had we grown impatient andirritated, but our attitude towards
him was also becoming hostile. We had looked forward to his coming because those among us who knew him had spoken highly of him.but doubtful thoughts now crept into our minds and we resented his apparent lack of consideration. The aroma of freshly cooked dishes gradually disappeared as our keen appetites intensified our restlessness.
A screech of brakes, a sudden buzz of activity and a group of solemn looking officials walking briskly into the hall announced his arrival. He was dressed in full uniform which was awe-inspiring, with his tall, well-proportioned figure, he was quite imposing. We immediately settled down to the now cold meal which we ate sparingly and in silence. Then the ceremony began.
The chairman made a brief introductory speech and then invited the guest speaker to address us. We clapped politely. He stood up, looked around the room and before he began to speak, glanced and smiled at each person in turn. His warm and sincere manner disarmed us and dissolved our hostility. The reasons for his lateness were so genuine that we felt ashamed of our ill- feelings towards him. We accepted his apology gladly.
No sooner had he begun his address than we realized that we had an interesting and thought -provoking evening ahead of us. Instead of the usual state pronouncements of administrators like himself, he spoke about real issues that face our generation and which few people have the courage or the conviction to discuss. But he warned that we should not be completely satisfied because there were areas where we had done very little. He said that we needed a sense of discipline in our national affairs. His talk was illustrated with descriptions of our disregard for traffic regulations. My colleagues nodded in agreement.
My mind began wandering. I thought of many drunken drivers I had seen and the numerous grisly accidents I had witnessed. The speaker was right. I remembered the scenes at bus stations and ‘matatu’
stands at peak hours and at the end of the month. I recalled the pushing, jostling and scrambling crowds
struggling for a place .It then dawned on me that we often thought only of our comfort and convenience. We ignored the
desperate, beseeching eyes of the children, the weak and the handicapped.
I woke from my day dream. The speaker was now expressing his concern about poor use of leisure time. After work, bars were full to overflowing while in homes wives remained without husbands and children without fathers. Free time was used unproductively. In conclusion he stressed the dangers of behaving irresponsibly and deplored the bad use of public facilities. He cited the examples of careless garbage disposal and thoughtless use of public toilets. Wasn’t it ironical to hear people complaining when the outcome of their own misdeeds inconvenienced them or posed danger to their health? He sat amidst hearty applause. We scrambled to shake his hands and assured him that his talk had inspired and encouraged us to exercise discipline in our own lives.
i) Why were the people disappointed and angry?
ii) Why do you think the food was eaten sparingly and in silence?
iii) Explain the reason for the change of attitude towards the guest speaker.
iv) On what lines did the narrator’s mind wander in the course of the speech?
v) What factors was the speaker highlighting when the narrator came out of his reverie?
vi) According to the passage, lack of discipline in different areas leads to undesirable results. What are the results of the following?
i) Disregard for traffic regulations.
ii) Concern only for personal convenience.
iii) Poor use of leisure time.
vii) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
i) had spoken highly of him
iv) dawned on me.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentence replacing the underlined words with a gender word.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentence replacing the underlined words with a gender word.
i) Our maid stole money from my mother’s purse.
ii) The firemen took a long time to arrive at the scene of the accident.
iii) Mankind thrives on cooperation.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the meanings of the following sentences. (i) Only Mutungi spoke to him.(Solved)
Explain the meanings of the following sentences.
i) Only Mutungispoke to him.
(ii) Mutungi spoke to him only.
(iii) Mutungi only spoke to him.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the phrasal verb with word of the same meaning. (i) The student kept breaking in on our conversation.(breaking in).........(Solved)
Replace the phrasal verb with word of the same meaning.
(i) The student kept breaking in on our conversation.(breaking in)
(ii) We stood up for what they believed.(stood for)
(iii) We must pull together to make sure our team wins.(pull together)
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions. (i) Mwende is indebted ______ him for the help he gave me.(Solved)
Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions.
(i) Mwende is indebted ______ him for the help he gave me.
(ii) The thief who snatched my bag walked __________ a limp.
(iii) Harambee stars won because the spectators cheered them.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. (i) The young man was very hungry....(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
(i) The young man was very hungry. He swallowed the food without chewing it. (Begin: So.....)
(ii) The oil company has established petrol station here. (Rewrite beginning: A petrol station ......)
iii)The principal advised the students to consider the consequences of their behavior. (Rewrite in direct speech.)
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. I AM TIRED OF TALKING IN METAPHORS.............(Solved)
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
I will talk plainly
Because I am moved to abandon riddles
I will tell you of how
We held our heads in our hands
Because the owl hooted all night
And the dogs howled as if mourning
We awaited the bad news
We received it:
Our mother blinded in one eye
Crippled in the right leg
Because she did not vote
For her husband’s candidate
I will remind you
Of when the peeled plantains
Stood upright in the cooking pot:
We slaughtered a cock,
Anticipating an important visitor
We got her:
Our daughter – pieces of flesh in a sack
Our present from her husband.
No! I will not use metaphors
I will just talk to you:
I do not fight to take your place
Or to constantly wave my fist in your face
I refuse to argue about
Your “manly pact”
With my father
You’re buying me for a bag of potatoes
And pepper
All I want
Is for you to stop denying me
My presence needs no metaphors
I am here
Just as you are
I am not a machine
To dismantle whenever you whim
I demand my human dignity
(a) Who is the persona in this poem?
b)What is the message of this poem?
c) Explain the speaker’s attitude towards the subject matter
d)Give one character trait of the speaker.
e)Discuss two elements of tradition highlighted in the poem.
f)Identify two poetic features of style used in the poem.
g) I am not a machine. (Rewrite adding a question tag.)
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. The recent claim by scientists at Egerton......(Solved)
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
The recent claim by scientists at Egerton University that the water table in the South Rift is dropping is alarming. The researchers have noted with great concern that several boreholes in the region have dried up and water volume in several rivers has rapidly reduced as a result of clearing of trees in the Mau forest. This significantly affects Lake Nakuru as its shoreline has noticeably been receding over time. We are being told this at a time when the Ministry of Natural Resources has already laid down plans to clear gazetted forests saying it to settle landless people. We cannot allow this to happen. In the past, we have watched influential people plunderKarura, Aberdares and Mt. Kenya forests. Marmanet forest in Laikipia is no more after several farmers were allocated the public land. We cannot afford to interfere with the water catchment areas of the great rivers of this country because they are our lifeline. Not so long ago, this country suffered crippling power rationing regime for more than six months, seriously hampering economic growth. Industries ground to a halt, laying off a number of employees; complicating an already worse unemployment crisis. This should have woken us up from the deep slumber that “all is well.”
Ours is a tale of unfettered impunity. Throughout the country, we read of owners of large flower farmers who have diverted the river course into their farms to irrigate their crops, denying those living downstream a source of water. Others are busy clearing wetlands, seriously interfering with nature’s ecological balance. We hear of industries shamelessly emptying their waste into rivers. Apart from that, influential transporters ferry truckloads of charcoal and the precious sandalwood under the noses of the police. More often than not, apart from empty rhetoric, we never get to hear that those responsible have been punished.
When the government kicked off the drive to reclaim the Mau forest, there was a flurry of activities from all and sundry. All came together in a massive tree planting exercise. However, the politicization of the compensation claims put forward by large estate owners with the Mau Complex, brought things to a halt. The enthusiasm has since died and no one knows when the matter will be brought to a conclusion.
We depend too much on our rivers to allow any selfish individual to interfere with their watershed. Needless to say, our complacent attitude towards environmental issues has made environmental problems uncontrollable. It is the high time we came together and took care of our environment.
The government through National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) , NGO’s and environmental lobby groups should step up efforts to sensitize people of all walks of life on the need to conserve our natural heritage for the future generations. This should be coupled with replanting of trees on all deforested government land and intensified practice in agro-forestry. The ban on cultivation along river banks and indiscriminate felling of trees for charcoal burning must be enforced.
Apart from that, steps should be put in place towards revocation of all irregular allocation of government forests to individuals. Government officers suspected of abetting land grabbing must face the full force of the law. Industries that dispose off toxic or untreated waste into the environment should also be dealt with firmly.
It’s time we took a step towards safeguarding our environment. There is need to develop a sense of collective responsibility. Considering the fact that the United States rejected the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, we should be even more vigilant and jealously safeguard what nature has provided. It’s our environment, our country, our heritage. We need it to pass it on to our descendants.
(a) What evidence is given in paragraph 1 to show that the water table in the South Rift is falling?
b)What excuse is the government giving for its plans to clear gazetted forests?
c) Using information in the second paragraph, summarize how impunity, has led to environmental
(d) How does power rationing affect economic growth?
e) What halted the reclaiming of the Mau Complex?
(f) Why is the shoreline of Lake Nakuru receding?
g)What should the government do to address the environmental problems? Write your answer in note Form.
(h) Explain the following words as used in the passage.
(i) Rapidly
(ii) Plunder
(iii) Intensified
(iv) Safeguard
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the extract below from DOLL’S HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow. Nora: Should? He did sign them......(Solved)
Read the extract below from DOLL’S HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow.
Nora: Should? He did sign them.
Krogstad: I had left the date blank; that is to say, your father should himself have inserted the date on which he signed the paper. Do you remember that?
Nora: Yes, I think I remember—
Krogstad: Then I gave you the bond to send by post to your father. Is that not so?
Nora: Yes.
Krogstad: And you naturally did so at once, because five or six days afterwards you brought me the bond with your father's signature. And then I gave you the money.
Nora: Well, haven't I been paying it off regularly?
Krogstad: Fairly so, yes. But to come back to the matter in hand that must have been a very trying time for you, Mrs.
Nora: It was, indeed.
Krogstad: Your father was very ill, wasn't he?
Nora: He was very near his end.
Krogstad: And died soon afterwards?
Nora: Yes:
Krogstad: Tell me, Mrs Helmer, can you remember what day your father died? the month, I mean.
Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. by any chance on what day of
Krostand: That is correct; I have ascertained it for myself. And, as that is so, there is discrepancy (taking a paper from his pocket) which I cannot account for.
Nora: What discrepancy? I don't know—
Krogstand: The discrepancy consists, Mrs. Helmer, in fact that your father signed this bond three days after his death.
Nora: What do you mean? I don't understand —
Krogstand: Your father died on the 29th of September. But, look here; your father has dated his signature the 2nd of October. It is a discrepancy, isn't it? (NORA is silent) Can you explain it to me?
(NORA is silent) It is a remarkable thing, too, that the words '2nd of October,' as well as the year, are not written in your father’s handwriting but in one that I think I know. Well, of course it can be explained; your father may have forgotten to date his signature, and someone else may have dated it haphazard before they knew of his death. There is no harm in that. It all depends on the signature of the name; and that is genuine. I suppose, Mrs. Helmer? It was your father himself who signed his name here?
a) What is it that Nora claims to have signed? Explain.
b) What does this excerpt reveal about Krogstad's character?
c) Explain key theme brought out in the excerpt?
d) Why did Nora forge her father's signature?
e) What is the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt?
I. Ascertained
II. Discrepancy
III. Genuine
f) Papa died on the 29th of September (Add a question tag.)
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow. Society has the obligation to provide young people.......(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow.
Society has the obligation to provide young people with the right knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, according a World Bank Report, Development and the Next Generation. And it is through education that the young develops their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, World Development Report, 2007, authored by World Bank notes The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits. Investments in adolescence are needed to make earlier investments during childhood pay off a hundred fold. The report underscores the need to establish a strong secondary education that will further strengthen the capabilities that primary education established.
It stresses the need to improve the relevance and quality of post primary education by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills demanded by the labour market. To achieve this, the education system must promote a teaching method that leads to high learning achievement and blends the academic and vocational curricular. It should link what happens in school to local economy.
To improve the relevance of education to the learners, the report says, education must produce peep with strong thinking and interpersonal skills because job tasks are increasingly requiring problem solving, and communciaiton skills. Entrepreneurs are also increasingly demanding thinking skills and problem and behavioral skills such as self-confidence and leadership.
In a nutshell, what are the types of skills that a topnotch education system requires? It requires two basic types of skills: thinking skills and behavioral skills. Thinking skills include conceptual, critical and creative skills. High quality education develops learners with superior conceptual, analytical and critical skills – skills that condition the learner to be curious,. Inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or processes. Behavioral skills include such traits as perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, the ability to negotiate risks.
The report also still highlights the enduring role of what it terms basic skills which is literacy and numeracy-ability to read, write and count. These basic skills are needed for further learning, work and life. The report also identifies what it terms post basic skills-the higher order thinking skills, and higher order behavioural skills such as decision-making skills, team work, the ability to negotiate conflict and manage risks and specific knowledge applied to real-life situations, and vocational skills. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role of Early Childhood and Primary and Secondary cycle plays in crating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and Universality education. The quality of higher education is as good as the primary and secondary education.
(Adapted FromElimu News. A Newsletter of Ministry of Education. Issue No. 7 Dec. 2012)
a) According to the passage what is the role of the society in the development of an individual?
b) In what ways can an education system attain the demands of the job market?
c) Contrast thinking and behavourial skills
d) In not more than 40 words, summarize what is expected of a person who has attained post basic skills
e) Explain the relationship between primary and secondary education
f) The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits, (Rewrite using a conditional)
g) How does post secondary education benefit from lower levels of education?
h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage
a. Underscores
b. Blends
c. Topnotch
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Add question tags to the following statements. (Solved)
Add question tags to the following statements.
(i) We need to buy a radio.
(ii) He dares to stroke the lion.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- In the sentences below, underline the nouns that are used as adjectives.(Solved)
In the sentences below, underline the nouns that are used as adjectives.
i)Mr. Charo amused the children by reciting nursery rhyms.
(ii) When we camped in the Maasai Plains, we felt like strangers in the new environment
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Correct the error in the following sentences. (i) Something is smelling awful.(Solved)
Correct the error in the following sentences.
(i) Something is smelling awful.
(ii) This brilliance is utter.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the correct preposition to fill the blanks. (i) I am indebted ______________ him for the help he gave me.(Solved)
Use the correct preposition to fill the blanks.
(i) I am indebted ______________ him for the help he gave me.
(ii) She has always confided ______ him.
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks. (Solved)
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks.
(i) His __________ (deceive) cost him his life.
(ii) The dog barked __________ to the stranger. (menace)
(iii) The ______ between Kameno and Makuyu is damaging. (enemy)
Date posted: August 16, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. (Solved)
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
The recent claim by scientists at Egerton University that the water table in the South Rift is dropping is alarming. The researchers have noted with great concern that several boreholes in the region have dried up and water volume in several rivers has rapidly reduced as a result of clearing of trees in the Mau forest. This significantly affects Lake Nakuru as its shoreline has noticeably been receding over time. We are being told this at a time when the Ministry of Natural Resources has already laid down plans to clear gazetted forests saying it to settle landless people. We cannot allow this to happen. In the past, we have watched influential people plunderKarura, Aberdares and Mt. Kenya forests. Marmanet forest in Laikipia is no more after several farmers were allocated the public land. We cannot afford to interfere with the water catchment areas of the great rivers of this country because they are our lifeline. Not so long ago, this country suffered crippling power rationing regime for more than six months, seriously hampering economic growth. Industries ground to a halt, laying off a number of employees; complicating
an already worse unemployment crisis. This should have woken us up from the deep slumber that “all is well.”
Ours is a tale of unfettered impunity. Throughout the country, we read of owners of large flower farmers who have diverted the river course into their farms to irrigate their crops, denying those living downstream a source of water. Others are busy clearing wetlands, seriously interfering with nature’s ecological balance. We hear of industries shamelessly emptying their waste into rivers. Apart from that, influential transporters ferry truckloads of charcoal and the precious sandalwood under the noses of the police. More often than not, apart from empty rhetoric, we never get to hear that those responsible have been punished.
When the government kicked off the drive to reclaim the Mau forest, there was a flurry of activities from all and sundry. All came together in a massive tree planting exercise. However, the politicization of the compensation claims put forward by large estate owners with the Mau Complex, brought things to a halt. The enthusiasm has since died and no one knows when the matter will be brought to a conclusion.
We depend too much on our rivers to allow any selfish individual to interfere with their watershed. Needless to say, our complacent attitude towards environmental issues has made environmental problems uncontrollable. It is the high time we came together and took care of our environment.
The government through National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) , NGO’s and environmental lobby groups should step up efforts to sensitize people of all walks of life on the need to conserve our natural heritage for the future generations. This should be coupled with replanting of trees on all deforested government land and intensified practice in agro-forestry. The ban on cultivation along river banks and indiscriminate felling of trees for charcoal burning must be enforced.
Apart from that, steps should be put in place towards revocation of all irregular allocation of government forests to individuals. Government officers suspected of abetting land grabbing must face the full force of the law. Industries that dispose off toxic or untreated waste into the environment should also be dealt with firmly.
It’s time we took a step towards safeguarding our environment. There is need to develop a sense of collective responsibility. Considering the fact that the United States rejected the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, we should be even more vigilant and jealously safeguard what nature has provided. It’s our environment, our country, our heritage. We need it to pass it on to our descendants.
(a) What evidence is given in paragraph 1 to show that the water table in the South Rift is falling?
b)What excuse is the government giving for its plans to clear gazetted forests?
c)Using information in the second paragraph, summarize how impunity, has led to environmental degradation
d)How does power rationing affect economic growth?
e)What halted the reclaiming of the Mau Complex?
f)Why is the shoreline of Lake Nakuru receding?
g)What should the government do to address the environmental problems? Write your answer in note Form
h)Explain the following words as used in the passage.
Date posted: August 15, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined.(Solved)
Replace the words in brackets with a phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the underlined .
i. The nurse couldn’t tolerate the noise(tolerate)
ii. The mayor assumed that the problem had been got rid of.(got rid of0
Date posted: August 15, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. (Solved)
Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions.
i. Face the music
ii) From the horse’s mouth
Date posted: August 15, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in using appropriate prepositions.(Solved)
Fill in using appropriate prepositions.
i. Many people claim that girls are good.......... arts subjects.
ii. Unemployed youths often subscribe .............Illegal groups.
iii. They attended the party dressed ..............smart casuals.
Date posted: August 15, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the correct form of the words in brackets to fill the blanks.(Solved)
Use the correct form of the words in brackets to fill the blanks.
i)The modern world today has many.............forms of communication (sophistication)
ii. The gas was stored in a...................container (pressure)
Date posted: August 15, 2019. Answers (1)